use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use anyhow::Context;
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use oci_client::client::{Config, ImageLayer};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use sha2::Digest;
use crate::{
// A convenience trait that indicates a type can be converted into an OCI manifest config
pub trait ToConfig {
/// Convert the type into an OCI manifest config
fn to_config(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Config>;
/// The config type struct for `application/wasm`
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct WasmConfig {
/// The time when the config was created.
pub created: DateTime<Utc>,
/// The optional name of the author of the config.
pub author: Option<String>,
/// The architecture of the artifact. This is always `wasm`.
pub architecture: String,
/// The OS name of the artifact. Possible options: wasip1, wasip2. For plain wasm, this should
/// be wasip1 as this must match a GOOS value and it doesn’t have one for plain Wasm
/// Eventually this will go away when we hit a 1.0 but we need it for now
pub os: String,
/// This field contains a list of digests of each of the layers from the manifest in the same
/// order as they are listed in the manfiest. This exists because we need to have a unique list
/// here so that the hash of the config (used as the ID) is unique every time
/// (
pub layer_digests: Vec<String>,
/// Information about the component in the manifest. This is required when the `os` field is
/// `wasip2`
pub component: Option<Component>,
pub struct AnnotatedWasmConfig<'a> {
pub config: &'a WasmConfig,
pub annotations: BTreeMap<String, String>,
impl WasmConfig {
/// A helper for loading a component from a file and returning the proper config and
/// [`ImageLayer`]. The returned config will have the created time set to now and all other
/// fields set for a component.
pub async fn from_component(
path: impl AsRef<std::path::Path>,
author: Option<String>,
) -> anyhow::Result<(Self, ImageLayer)> {
let raw = tokio::fs::read(path).await.context("Unable to read file")?;
Self::from_raw_component(raw, author)
/// Same as [`WasmConfig::from_component`] but for raw component bytes
pub fn from_raw_component(
raw: Vec<u8>,
author: Option<String>,
) -> anyhow::Result<(Self, ImageLayer)> {
let component = Component::from_raw_component(&raw)?;
let config = Self {
created: Utc::now(),
architecture: WASM_ARCHITECTURE.to_string(),
os: COMPONENT_OS.to_string(),
layer_digests: vec![sha256_digest(&raw)],
component: Some(component),
ImageLayer {
data: raw,
media_type: WASM_LAYER_MEDIA_TYPE.to_string(),
annotations: None,
/// A helper for loading a plain wasm module and returning the proper config and [`ImageLayer`].
/// The returned config will have the created time set to now and all other fields set for a
/// plain wasm module.
pub async fn from_module(
path: impl AsRef<std::path::Path>,
author: Option<String>,
) -> anyhow::Result<(Self, ImageLayer)> {
let raw = tokio::fs::read(path).await.context("Unable to read file")?;
Self::from_raw_module(raw, author)
/// Same as [`WasmConfig::from_module`] but for raw module bytes
pub fn from_raw_module(
raw: Vec<u8>,
author: Option<String>,
) -> anyhow::Result<(Self, ImageLayer)> {
let config = Self {
created: Utc::now(),
architecture: WASM_ARCHITECTURE.to_string(),
os: MODULE_OS.to_string(),
layer_digests: vec![sha256_digest(&raw)],
component: None,
ImageLayer {
data: raw,
media_type: WASM_LAYER_MEDIA_TYPE.to_string(),
annotations: None,
/// Adds annotations to this [`WasmConfig`].
pub fn with_annotations(
&'_ self,
annotations: BTreeMap<String, String>,
) -> AnnotatedWasmConfig<'_> {
AnnotatedWasmConfig {
config: self,
impl ToConfig for AnnotatedWasmConfig<'_> {
/// Generate a [`Config`] for this [`WasmConfig`]
fn to_config(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Config> {
let mut config = self.config.to_config()?;
config.annotations = Some(self.annotations.clone());
impl ToConfig for WasmConfig {
/// Generate a [`Config`] for this [`WasmConfig`]
fn to_config(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Config> {
.map(|data| Config {
media_type: WASM_MANIFEST_CONFIG_MEDIA_TYPE.to_string(),
annotations: None,
// NOTE: There are a bunch of implementations here because we can't do a generic implementation
// across T for AsRef<[u8]>
impl TryFrom<String> for WasmConfig {
type Error = anyhow::Error;
fn try_from(value: String) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl TryFrom<Vec<u8>> for WasmConfig {
type Error = anyhow::Error;
fn try_from(value: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl TryFrom<&str> for WasmConfig {
type Error = anyhow::Error;
fn try_from(value: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl TryFrom<&[u8]> for WasmConfig {
type Error = anyhow::Error;
fn try_from(value: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
fn sha256_digest(bytes: &[u8]) -> String {
format!("sha256:{:x}", sha2::Sha256::digest(bytes))