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* Released under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license with LLVM
* exception. See `LICENSE` for details.
//! SSA-related utilities.
use alloc::vec;
use hashbrown::HashSet;
use crate::cfg::CFGInfo;
use crate::{Block, Function, Inst, OperandKind, RegAllocError, VReg};
pub fn validate_ssa<F: Function>(f: &F, cfginfo: &CFGInfo) -> Result<(), RegAllocError> {
// For every block param and inst def, check that this is the only def.
let mut defined_in = vec![Block::invalid(); f.num_vregs()];
for block in 0..f.num_blocks() {
let block = Block::new(block);
let mut def = |vreg: VReg, inst| {
if defined_in[vreg.vreg()].is_valid() {
trace!("Multiple def constraints for {:?}", vreg);
Err(RegAllocError::SSA(vreg, inst))
} else {
defined_in[vreg.vreg()] = block;
for ¶m in f.block_params(block) {
def(param, Inst::invalid())?;
for inst in f.block_insns(block).iter() {
for operand in f.inst_operands(inst) {
if let OperandKind::Def = operand.kind() {
def(operand.vreg(), inst)?;
// Walk the blocks in arbitrary order. Check, for every use, that
// the def is either in the same block in an earlier inst, or is
// defined (by inst or blockparam) in some other block that
// dominates this one.
let mut local = HashSet::new();
for block in 0..f.num_blocks() {
let block = Block::new(block);
for iix in f.block_insns(block).iter() {
let operands = f.inst_operands(iix);
for operand in operands {
// Fixed registers uses will likely not be SSA, but they also
// won't receive assignments.
if operand.as_fixed_nonallocatable().is_some() {
match operand.kind() {
OperandKind::Use => {
let def_block = defined_in[operand.vreg().vreg()];
let okay = def_block.is_valid()
&& if def_block == block {
} else {
cfginfo.dominates(def_block, block)
if !okay {
trace!("Invalid use {:?}", operand.vreg());
return Err(RegAllocError::SSA(operand.vreg(), iix));
OperandKind::Def => {
// Check all the uses in this instruction
// first, before recording its defs below.
// In SSA form, an instruction can't use a VReg that it
// also defines. So only record this instruction's defs
// after its uses have been checked.
for operand in operands {
if let OperandKind::Def = operand.kind() {
// Check that the length of branch args matches the sum of the
// number of blockparams in their succs, and that the end of every
// block ends in this branch or in a ret, and that there are no
// other branches or rets in the middle of the block.
for block in 0..f.num_blocks() {
let block = Block::new(block);
let insns = f.block_insns(block);
for insn in insns.iter() {
if insn == insns.last() {
if !(f.is_branch(insn) || f.is_ret(insn)) {
trace!("block {:?} is not terminated by a branch or ret!", block);
return Err(RegAllocError::BB(block));
if f.is_branch(insn) {
for (i, &succ) in f.block_succs(block).iter().enumerate() {
let blockparams_in = f.block_params(succ);
let blockparams_out = f.branch_blockparams(block, insn, i);
if blockparams_in.len() != blockparams_out.len() {
"Mismatch on block params, found {} expected {}",
return Err(RegAllocError::Branch(insn));
} else {
if f.is_branch(insn) || f.is_ret(insn) {
trace!("Block terminator found in the middle of a block");
return Err(RegAllocError::BB(block));
// Check that the entry block has no block args: otherwise it is
// undefined what their value would be.
if f.block_params(f.entry_block()).len() > 0 {
trace!("Entry block contains block args");
return Err(RegAllocError::BB(f.entry_block()));