//! wasmCloud host library
/// wasmbus host
pub mod wasmbus;
/// OCI artifact fetching
pub mod oci;
/// wasmCloud policy service
pub mod policy;
/// Common registry types
pub mod registry;
/// Secret management
pub mod secrets;
/// wasmCloud host metrics
pub(crate) mod metrics;
/// experimental workload identity
pub mod workload_identity;
pub use metrics::HostMetrics;
pub use oci::Config as OciConfig;
pub use policy::{
HostInfo as PolicyHostInfo, Manager as PolicyManager, Response as PolicyResponse,
pub use secrets::Manager as SecretsManager;
pub use wasmbus::{Host as WasmbusHost, HostConfig as WasmbusHostConfig};
pub use wasmcloud_core::{OciFetcher, RegistryAuth, RegistryConfig, RegistryType};
pub use url;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, ensure, Context as _};
use tokio::fs;
use tracing::{debug, instrument, warn};
use url::Url;
use wascap::jwt;
enum ResourceRef<'a> {
Oci(&'a str),
Builtin(&'a str),
impl AsRef<str> for ResourceRef<'_> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
match self {
// Resource ref must have originated from a URL, which can only be constructed from a
// valid string
ResourceRef::File(path) => path.to_str().expect("invalid file reference URL"),
ResourceRef::Oci(s) => s,
ResourceRef::Builtin(s) => s,
impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a str> for ResourceRef<'a> {
type Error = anyhow::Error;
fn try_from(s: &'a str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match Url::parse(s) {
Ok(url) => {
match url.scheme() {
"file" => url
.map_err(|()| anyhow!("failed to convert `{url}` to a file path")),
"oci" => {
// Note: oci is not a scheme, but using this as a prefix takes out the guesswork
.context("invalid OCI reference")
"wasmcloud+builtin" => s
.context("invalid builtin reference"),
scheme @ ("http" | "https") => {
debug!(%url, "interpreting reference as OCI");
.context("invalid OCI reference")
_ => {
// handle strings like `registry:5000/v2/foo:0.1.0`
debug!(%url, "unknown scheme in reference, assuming OCI");
Err(url::ParseError::RelativeUrlWithoutBase) => {
match Url::parse(&format!("oci://{s}")) {
Ok(_url) => Ok(Self::Oci(s)),
Err(e) => Err(anyhow!(e).context("failed to parse reference as OCI reference")),
Err(e) => {
bail!(anyhow!(e).context(format!("failed to parse reference `{s}`")))
impl ResourceRef<'_> {
fn authority(&self) -> Option<&str> {
match self {
ResourceRef::File(_) => None,
ResourceRef::Oci(s) => {
let (l, _) = s.split_once('/')?;
ResourceRef::Builtin(_) => None,
/// Fetch an component from a reference.
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(allow_file_load, registry_config))]
pub async fn fetch_component(
component_ref: &str,
allow_file_load: bool,
additional_ca_paths: &Vec<PathBuf>,
registry_config: &HashMap<String, RegistryConfig>,
) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<u8>> {
match ResourceRef::try_from(component_ref)? {
ResourceRef::File(component_ref) => {
"unable to start component from file, file loading is disabled"
.context("failed to read component")
ref oci_ref @ ResourceRef::Oci(component_ref) => oci_ref
.and_then(|authority| registry_config.get(authority))
.with_context(|| {
format!("failed to fetch component under OCI reference `{component_ref}`")
ResourceRef::Builtin(..) => bail!("nothing to fetch for a builtin"),
/// Fetch a provider from a reference.
#[instrument(skip(registry_config, host_id), fields(provider_ref = %provider_ref.as_ref()))]
pub async fn fetch_provider(
provider_ref: &ResourceRef<'_>,
host_id: impl AsRef<str>,
allow_file_load: bool,
additional_ca_paths: &Vec<PathBuf>,
registry_config: &HashMap<String, RegistryConfig>,
) -> anyhow::Result<(PathBuf, Option<jwt::Token<jwt::CapabilityProvider>>)> {
match provider_ref {
ResourceRef::File(provider_path) => {
"unable to start provider from file, file loading is disabled"
.context("failed to read provider")
oci_ref @ ResourceRef::Oci(provider_ref) => oci_ref
.and_then(|authority| registry_config.get(authority))
.fetch_provider(provider_ref, host_id)
.with_context(|| {
format!("failed to fetch provider under OCI reference `{provider_ref}`")
ResourceRef::Builtin(..) => bail!("nothing to fetch for a builtin"),
fn parse_references() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// file:// URL
let file_url = "file:///tmp/foo_s.wasm";
ResourceRef::try_from(file_url).expect("failed to parse")
== ResourceRef::File("/tmp/foo_s.wasm".into()),
"file reference should be parsed as file and converted to path"
// oci:// "scheme" URL
ResourceRef::try_from("oci://some-registry/foo:0.1.0").expect("failed to parse")
== ResourceRef::Oci("some-registry/foo:0.1.0"),
"OCI reference should be parsed as OCI and stripped of scheme"
// http URL
ResourceRef::try_from("").expect("failed to parse")
== ResourceRef::Oci(""),
"http reference should be parsed as OCI and stripped of scheme"
// https URL
ResourceRef::try_from("https://some-registry.sh/foo:0.1.0").expect("failed to parse")
== ResourceRef::Oci("some-registry.sh/foo:0.1.0"),
"https reference should be parsed as OCI and stripped of scheme"
// localhost URL
ResourceRef::try_from("localhost:5000/v2/foo:0.1.0").expect("failed to parse")
== ResourceRef::Oci("localhost:5000/v2/foo:0.1.0"),
"localhost reference should be parsed as OCI and left intact"
// container name URL
ResourceRef::try_from("registry:5000/v2/foo:0.1.0").expect("failed to parse")
== ResourceRef::Oci("registry:5000/v2/foo:0.1.0"),
"container reference should be parsed as OCI and left intact"