use crate::{experimental::Features, ComponentConfig};
use core::fmt;
use core::fmt::Debug;
use core::time::Duration;
use std::thread;
use anyhow::Context;
use wasmtime::{InstanceAllocationStrategy, PoolingAllocationConfig};
/// Default max linear memory for a component (256 MiB)
pub const MAX_LINEAR_MEMORY: u64 = 256 * 1024 * 1024;
/// Default max component size (50 MiB)
pub const MAX_COMPONENT_SIZE: u64 = 50 * 1024 * 1024;
/// Default max number of components
pub const MAX_COMPONENTS: u32 = 10_000;
/// [`RuntimeBuilder`] used to configure and build a [Runtime]
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct RuntimeBuilder {
engine_config: wasmtime::Config,
max_components: u32,
max_component_size: u64,
max_linear_memory: u64,
max_execution_time: Duration,
component_config: ComponentConfig,
force_pooling_allocator: bool,
experimental_features: Features,
impl RuntimeBuilder {
/// Returns a new [`RuntimeBuilder`]
pub fn new() -> Self {
let mut engine_config = wasmtime::Config::default();
Self {
max_components: MAX_COMPONENTS,
// Why so large you ask? Well, python components are chonky, like 35MB for a hello world
// chonky. So this is pretty big for now.
max_component_size: MAX_COMPONENT_SIZE,
max_linear_memory: MAX_LINEAR_MEMORY,
max_execution_time: Duration::from_secs(10 * 60),
component_config: ComponentConfig::default(),
force_pooling_allocator: false,
experimental_features: Features::default(),
/// Set a custom [`ComponentConfig`] to use for all component instances
pub fn component_config(self, component_config: ComponentConfig) -> Self {
Self {
/// Sets the maximum number of components that can be run simultaneously. Defaults to 10000
pub fn max_components(self, max_components: u32) -> Self {
Self {
/// Sets the maximum size of a component instance, in bytes. Defaults to 50MB
pub fn max_component_size(self, max_component_size: u64) -> Self {
Self {
/// Sets the maximum amount of linear memory that can be used by all components. Defaults to 10MB
pub fn max_linear_memory(self, max_linear_memory: u64) -> Self {
Self {
/// Sets the maximum execution time of a component. Defaults to 10 minutes.
/// This operates on second precision and value of 1 second is the minimum.
/// Any value below 1 second will be interpreted as 1 second limit.
pub fn max_execution_time(self, max_execution_time: Duration) -> Self {
Self {
max_execution_time: max_execution_time.max(Duration::from_secs(1)),
/// Forces the use of the pooling allocator. This may cause the runtime to fail if there isn't enough memory for the pooling allocator
pub fn force_pooling_allocator(self) -> Self {
Self {
force_pooling_allocator: true,
/// Set the experimental features to enable in the runtime
pub fn experimental_features(self, experimental_features: Features) -> Self {
Self {
/// Turns this builder into a [`Runtime`]
/// # Errors
/// Fails if the configuration is not valid
pub fn build(mut self) -> anyhow::Result<(Runtime, thread::JoinHandle<Result<(), ()>>)> {
let mut pooling_config = PoolingAllocationConfig::default();
// Right now we assume tables_per_component is the same as memories_per_component just like
// the default settings (which has a 1:1 relationship between total memories and total
// tables), but we may want to change that later. I would love to figure out a way to
// configure all these values via something smarter that can look at total memory available
let memories_per_component = 1;
let tables_per_component = 1;
let max_core_instances_per_component = 30;
let table_elements = 15000;
.max_component_instance_size(self.max_component_size as usize)
// The number of memories an instance can have effectively limits the number of inner components
// a composed component can have (since each inner component has its own memory). We default to 32 for now, and
// we'll see how often this limit gets reached.
.max_memories_per_component(max_core_instances_per_component * memories_per_component)
.total_memories(self.max_components * memories_per_component)
.total_tables(self.max_components * tables_per_component)
// Restrict the maximum amount of linear memory that can be used by a component,
// which influences two things we care about:
// - How large of a component we can load (i.e. all components must be less than this value)
// - How much memory a fully loaded host carrying c components will use
.max_memory_size(self.max_linear_memory as usize)
// These numbers are set to avoid page faults when trying to claim new space on linux
.linear_memory_keep_resident(10 * 1024)
.table_keep_resident(10 * 1024);
let engine = match wasmtime::Engine::new(&self.engine_config)
.context("failed to construct engine")
Ok(engine) => engine,
Err(e) if self.force_pooling_allocator => {
anyhow::bail!("failed to construct engine with pooling allocator: {}", e)
Err(e) => {
tracing::warn!(err = %e, "failed to construct engine with pooling allocator, falling back to dynamic allocator which may result in slower startup and execution of components.");
wasmtime::Engine::new(&self.engine_config).context("failed to construct engine")?
let epoch = {
let engine = engine.weak();
thread::spawn(move || loop {
let Some(engine) = engine.upgrade() else {
return Ok(());
Runtime {
component_config: self.component_config,
max_execution_time: self.max_execution_time,
experimental_features: self.experimental_features,
impl TryFrom<RuntimeBuilder> for (Runtime, thread::JoinHandle<Result<(), ()>>) {
type Error = anyhow::Error;
fn try_from(builder: RuntimeBuilder) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
/// Shared wasmCloud runtime
pub struct Runtime {
pub(crate) engine: wasmtime::Engine,
pub(crate) component_config: ComponentConfig,
pub(crate) max_execution_time: Duration,
pub(crate) experimental_features: Features,
impl Debug for Runtime {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("component_config", &self.component_config)
.field("runtime", &"wasmtime")
.field("max_execution_time", &"max_execution_time")
impl Runtime {
/// Returns a new [`Runtime`] configured with defaults
/// # Errors
/// Returns an error if the default configuration is invalid
pub fn new() -> anyhow::Result<(Self, thread::JoinHandle<Result<(), ()>>)> {
/// Returns a new [`RuntimeBuilder`], which can be used to configure and build a [Runtime]
pub fn builder() -> RuntimeBuilder {
/// [Runtime] version
pub fn version(&self) -> &'static str {
/// Returns a boolean indicating whether the runtime should skip linking a feature-gated instance
pub(crate) fn skip_feature_gated_instance(&self, instance: &str) -> bool {
match instance {
| "wasmcloud:messaging/request-reply@0.3.0"
| "wasmcloud:messaging/types@0.3.0"
if self.experimental_features.wasmcloud_messaging_v3 =>
if self.experimental_features.workload_identity_interface =>
_ => false,