
Module combinator

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Various combinators which do not fit anywhere else.





  • Equivalent to p.and_then(f).
  • Returns a parser where P::PartialState is boxed. Useful as a way to avoid writing the type since it can get very large after combining a few parsers.
  • Returns a parser where P::PartialState is boxed. Useful as a way to avoid writing the type since it can get very large after combining a few parsers.
  • Returns a parser where P::PartialState is boxed. Useful as a way to avoid writing the type since it can get very large after combining a few parsers.
  • attempt(p) behaves as p except it always acts as p peeked instead of committed on its parse.
  • Constructs the parser lazily on each parse_* call. This is similar to lazy but it takes Input as an argument and allows different parsers to be returned on each call to p while still reporting the correct errors.
  • Equivalent to p.flat_map(f).
  • Takes a parser that outputs a string like value (&str, String, &[u8] or Vec<u8>) and parses it using std::str::FromStr. Errors if the output of parser is not UTF-8 or if FromStr::from_str returns an error.
  • Constructs the parser lazily on each parse_* call. Can be used to effectively reduce the size of deeply nested parsers as only the function producing the parser is stored.
  • look_ahead(p) acts as p but doesn’t consume input on success.
  • Equivalent to
  • Equivalent to p.map_input(f).
  • Succeeds only if parser fails. Never consumes any input.
  • Creates a parser from a function which takes a function that are given the actual parser. Though convoluted this makes it possible to hide the concrete parser type without Box or losing the full information about the parser as is the case of parser.
  • Constructs a parser which returns the tokens parsed by parser accumulated in F: Extend<Input::Token> instead of P::Output.
  • Equivalent to p.spanned().

Type Aliases§

  • Alias over Opaque where the function can be a plain function pointer (does not need to capture any values)