
Macro otel_info

macro_rules! otel_info {
    (name: $name:expr $(,)?) => { ... };
    (name: $name:expr, $($key:ident = $value:expr),+ $(,)?) => { ... };
Expand description

Note: These macros (otel_info!, otel_warn!, otel_debug!, and otel_error!) are intended to be used internally within OpenTelemetry code or for custom exporters, processors and other plugins. They are not designed for general application logging and should not be used for that purpose.

Macro for logging informational messages in OpenTelemetry.


  • name: The operation or action being logged.
  • Additional optional key-value pairs can be passed as attributes.


use opentelemetry::otel_info;
otel_info!(name: "sdk_start", version = "1.0.0", schema_url = "");