
Trait AsyncCommands

pub trait AsyncCommands:
    + Send
    + Sized {
Show 160 methods // Provided methods fn get<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn mget<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn keys<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn set<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn set_options<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, options: SetOptions, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn set_multiple<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, items: &'a [(K, V)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn mset<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, items: &'a [(K, V)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn set_ex<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, seconds: u64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn pset_ex<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, milliseconds: u64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn set_nx<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn mset_nx<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, items: &'a [(K, V)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn getset<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn getrange<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, from: isize, to: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn setrange<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, offset: isize, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn del<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn exists<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn key_type<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn expire<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, seconds: i64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn expire_at<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ts: i64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn pexpire<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ms: i64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn pexpire_at<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ts: i64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn persist<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn ttl<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn pttl<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn get_ex<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, expire_at: Expiry, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn get_del<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn rename<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, N: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, new_key: N, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn rename_nx<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, N: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, new_key: N, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn unlink<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn append<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn incr<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, delta: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn decr<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, delta: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn setbit<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, offset: usize, value: bool, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn getbit<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, offset: usize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn bitcount<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn bitcount_range<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, start: usize, end: usize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn bit_and<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, srckeys: S, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn bit_or<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, srckeys: S, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn bit_xor<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, srckeys: S, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn bit_not<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, srckey: S, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn strlen<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn hget<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, F: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, field: F, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn hdel<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, F: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, field: F, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn hset<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, F: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, field: F, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn hset_nx<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, F: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, field: F, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn hset_multiple<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, F: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, items: &'a [(F, V)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn hincr<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, F: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, field: F, delta: D, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn hexists<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, F: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, field: F, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn hkeys<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn hvals<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn hgetall<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn hlen<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn blmove<'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, srckey: S, dstkey: D, src_dir: Direction, dst_dir: Direction, timeout: f64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn blmpop<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, timeout: f64, numkeys: usize, key: K, dir: Direction, count: usize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn blpop<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, timeout: f64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn brpop<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, timeout: f64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn brpoplpush<'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, srckey: S, dstkey: D, timeout: f64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn lindex<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, index: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn linsert_before<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, P: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, pivot: P, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn linsert_after<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, P: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, pivot: P, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn llen<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn lmove<'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, srckey: S, dstkey: D, src_dir: Direction, dst_dir: Direction, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn lmpop<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, numkeys: usize, key: K, dir: Direction, count: usize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn lpop<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, count: Option<NonZeroUsize>, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn lpos<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, options: LposOptions, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn lpush<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn lpush_exists<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn lrange<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, start: isize, stop: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn lrem<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, count: isize, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn ltrim<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, start: isize, stop: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn lset<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, index: isize, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn rpop<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, count: Option<NonZeroUsize>, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn rpoplpush<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, dstkey: D, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn rpush<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn rpush_exists<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn sadd<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, member: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn scard<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn sdiff<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, keys: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn sdiffstore<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn sinter<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, keys: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn sinterstore<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn sismember<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, member: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn smismember<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, members: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn smembers<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn smove<'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, srckey: S, dstkey: D, member: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn spop<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn srandmember<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn srandmember_multiple<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, count: usize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn srem<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, member: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn sunion<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, keys: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn sunionstore<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zadd<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, member: M, score: S, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zadd_multiple<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, items: &'a [(S, M)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zcard<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zcount<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zincr<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, member: M, delta: D, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zinterstore<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [K], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zinterstore_min<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [K], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zinterstore_max<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [K], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zinterstore_weights<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, W: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [(K, W)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zinterstore_min_weights<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, W: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [(K, W)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zinterstore_max_weights<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, W: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [(K, W)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zlexcount<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn bzpopmax<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, timeout: f64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zpopmax<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn bzpopmin<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, timeout: f64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zpopmin<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn bzmpop_max<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, timeout: f64, keys: &'a [K], count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zmpop_max<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, keys: &'a [K], count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn bzmpop_min<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, timeout: f64, keys: &'a [K], count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zmpop_min<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, keys: &'a [K], count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrandmember<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, count: Option<isize>, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrandmember_withscores<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrange<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, start: isize, stop: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrange_withscores<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, start: isize, stop: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrangebylex<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrangebylex_limit<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, offset: isize, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrevrangebylex<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, max: MM, min: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrevrangebylex_limit<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, max: MM, min: M, offset: isize, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrangebyscore<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrangebyscore_withscores<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrangebyscore_limit<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, offset: isize, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrangebyscore_limit_withscores<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, offset: isize, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrank<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, member: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrem<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, members: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrembylex<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zremrangebyrank<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, start: isize, stop: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrembyscore<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrevrange<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, start: isize, stop: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrevrange_withscores<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, start: isize, stop: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrevrangebyscore<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, max: MM, min: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrevrangebyscore_withscores<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, max: MM, min: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrevrangebyscore_limit<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, max: MM, min: M, offset: isize, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrevrangebyscore_limit_withscores<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, max: MM, min: M, offset: isize, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zrevrank<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, member: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zscore<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, member: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zscore_multiple<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, members: &'a [M], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zunionstore<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [K], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zunionstore_min<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [K], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zunionstore_max<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [K], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zunionstore_weights<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, W: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [(K, W)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zunionstore_min_weights<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, W: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [(K, W)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn zunionstore_max_weights<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, W: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [(K, W)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn pfadd<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, E: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, element: E, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn pfcount<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn pfmerge<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, srckeys: S, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn publish<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, E: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, channel: K, message: E, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn object_encoding<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn object_idletime<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn object_freq<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn object_refcount<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn xrevrange_all<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV> where RV: FromRedisValue { ... } fn scan<RV: FromRedisValue>(&mut self) -> RedisFuture<'_, AsyncIter<'_, RV>> { ... } fn scan_match<P: ToRedisArgs, RV: FromRedisValue>( &mut self, pattern: P, ) -> RedisFuture<'_, AsyncIter<'_, RV>> { ... } fn hscan<K: ToRedisArgs, RV: FromRedisValue>( &mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'_, AsyncIter<'_, RV>> { ... } fn hscan_match<K: ToRedisArgs, P: ToRedisArgs, RV: FromRedisValue>( &mut self, key: K, pattern: P, ) -> RedisFuture<'_, AsyncIter<'_, RV>> { ... } fn sscan<K: ToRedisArgs, RV: FromRedisValue>( &mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'_, AsyncIter<'_, RV>> { ... } fn sscan_match<K: ToRedisArgs, P: ToRedisArgs, RV: FromRedisValue>( &mut self, key: K, pattern: P, ) -> RedisFuture<'_, AsyncIter<'_, RV>> { ... } fn zscan<K: ToRedisArgs, RV: FromRedisValue>( &mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'_, AsyncIter<'_, RV>> { ... } fn zscan_match<K: ToRedisArgs, P: ToRedisArgs, RV: FromRedisValue>( &mut self, key: K, pattern: P, ) -> RedisFuture<'_, AsyncIter<'_, RV>> { ... }
Expand description

Implements common redis commands over asynchronous connections. This allows you to send commands straight to a connection or client.

This allows you to use nicer syntax for some common operations. For instance this code:

use redis::AsyncCommands;
let client = redis::Client::open("redis://")?;
let mut con = client.get_async_connection().await?;
redis::cmd("SET").arg("my_key").arg(42i32).query_async(&mut con).await?;
assert_eq!(redis::cmd("GET").arg("my_key").query_async(&mut con).await, Ok(42i32));

Will become this:

use redis::AsyncCommands;
use redis::Commands;
let client = redis::Client::open("redis://")?;
let mut con = client.get_async_connection().await?;
con.set("my_key", 42i32).await?;
assert_eq!(con.get("my_key").await, Ok(42i32));

Provided Methods§


fn get<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Get the value of a key. If key is a vec this becomes an MGET.


fn mget<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Get values of keys


fn keys<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Gets all keys matching pattern


fn set<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Set the string value of a key.


fn set_options<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, options: SetOptions, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Set the string value of a key with options.


fn set_multiple<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, items: &'a [(K, V)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

👎Deprecated since 0.22.4: Renamed to mset() to reflect Redis name

Sets multiple keys to their values.


fn mset<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, items: &'a [(K, V)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Sets multiple keys to their values.


fn set_ex<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, seconds: u64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Set the value and expiration of a key.


fn pset_ex<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, milliseconds: u64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Set the value and expiration in milliseconds of a key.


fn set_nx<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Set the value of a key, only if the key does not exist


fn mset_nx<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, items: &'a [(K, V)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Sets multiple keys to their values failing if at least one already exists.


fn getset<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Set the string value of a key and return its old value.


fn getrange<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, from: isize, to: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Get a range of bytes/substring from the value of a key. Negative values provide an offset from the end of the value.


fn setrange<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, offset: isize, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Overwrite the part of the value stored in key at the specified offset.


fn del<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Delete one or more keys.


fn exists<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Determine if a key exists.


fn key_type<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Determine the type of a key.


fn expire<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, seconds: i64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Set a key’s time to live in seconds.


fn expire_at<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ts: i64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp.


fn pexpire<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ms: i64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Set a key’s time to live in milliseconds.


fn pexpire_at<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ts: i64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Set the expiration for a key as a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.


fn persist<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Remove the expiration from a key.


fn ttl<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Get the expiration time of a key.


fn pttl<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Get the expiration time of a key in milliseconds.


fn get_ex<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, expire_at: Expiry, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Get the value of a key and set expiration


fn get_del<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Get the value of a key and delete it


fn rename<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, N: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, new_key: N, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Rename a key.


fn rename_nx<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, N: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, new_key: N, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Rename a key, only if the new key does not exist.

Unlink one or more keys.


fn append<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Append a value to a key.


fn incr<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, delta: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Increment the numeric value of a key by the given amount. This issues a INCRBY or INCRBYFLOAT depending on the type.


fn decr<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, delta: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Decrement the numeric value of a key by the given amount.


fn setbit<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, offset: usize, value: bool, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Sets or clears the bit at offset in the string value stored at key.


fn getbit<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, offset: usize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Returns the bit value at offset in the string value stored at key.


fn bitcount<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Count set bits in a string.


fn bitcount_range<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, start: usize, end: usize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Count set bits in a string in a range.


fn bit_and<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, srckeys: S, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Perform a bitwise AND between multiple keys (containing string values) and store the result in the destination key.


fn bit_or<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, srckeys: S, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Perform a bitwise OR between multiple keys (containing string values) and store the result in the destination key.


fn bit_xor<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, srckeys: S, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Perform a bitwise XOR between multiple keys (containing string values) and store the result in the destination key.


fn bit_not<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, srckey: S, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Perform a bitwise NOT of the key (containing string values) and store the result in the destination key.


fn strlen<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Get the length of the value stored in a key.


fn hget<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, F: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, field: F, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Gets a single (or multiple) fields from a hash.


fn hdel<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, F: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, field: F, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Deletes a single (or multiple) fields from a hash.


fn hset<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, F: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, field: F, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Sets a single field in a hash.


fn hset_nx<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, F: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, field: F, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Sets a single field in a hash if it does not exist.


fn hset_multiple<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, F: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, items: &'a [(F, V)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Sets a multiple fields in a hash.


fn hincr<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, F: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, field: F, delta: D, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Increments a value.


fn hexists<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, F: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, field: F, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Checks if a field in a hash exists.


fn hkeys<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Gets all the keys in a hash.


fn hvals<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Gets all the values in a hash.


fn hgetall<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Gets all the fields and values in a hash.


fn hlen<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Gets the length of a hash.


fn blmove<'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, srckey: S, dstkey: D, src_dir: Direction, dst_dir: Direction, timeout: f64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Pop an element from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available


fn blmpop<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, timeout: f64, numkeys: usize, key: K, dir: Direction, count: usize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Pops count elements from the first non-empty list key from the list of provided key names; or blocks until one is available.


fn blpop<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, timeout: f64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Remove and get the first element in a list, or block until one is available.


fn brpop<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, timeout: f64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Remove and get the last element in a list, or block until one is available.


fn brpoplpush<'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, srckey: S, dstkey: D, timeout: f64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it; or block until one is available.


fn lindex<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, index: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Get an element from a list by its index.


fn linsert_before<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, P: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, pivot: P, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Insert an element before another element in a list.


fn linsert_after<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, P: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, pivot: P, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Insert an element after another element in a list.


fn llen<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Returns the length of the list stored at key.


fn lmove<'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, srckey: S, dstkey: D, src_dir: Direction, dst_dir: Direction, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Pop an element a list, push it to another list and return it


fn lmpop<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, numkeys: usize, key: K, dir: Direction, count: usize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Pops count elements from the first non-empty list key from the list of provided key names.


fn lpop<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, count: Option<NonZeroUsize>, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Removes and returns the up to count first elements of the list stored at key.

If count is not specified, then defaults to first element.


fn lpos<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, options: LposOptions, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Returns the index of the first matching value of the list stored at key.


fn lpush<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Insert all the specified values at the head of the list stored at key.


fn lpush_exists<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Inserts a value at the head of the list stored at key, only if key already exists and holds a list.


fn lrange<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, start: isize, stop: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Returns the specified elements of the list stored at key.


fn lrem<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, count: isize, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Removes the first count occurrences of elements equal to value from the list stored at key.


fn ltrim<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, start: isize, stop: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Trim an existing list so that it will contain only the specified range of elements specified.


fn lset<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, index: isize, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Sets the list element at index to value


fn rpop<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, count: Option<NonZeroUsize>, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Removes and returns the up to count last elements of the list stored at key

If count is not specified, then defaults to last element.


fn rpoplpush<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, dstkey: D, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Pop a value from a list, push it to another list and return it.


fn rpush<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Insert all the specified values at the tail of the list stored at key.


fn rpush_exists<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, V: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, value: V, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Inserts value at the tail of the list stored at key, only if key already exists and holds a list.


fn sadd<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, member: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Add one or more members to a set.


fn scard<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Get the number of members in a set.


fn sdiff<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, keys: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Subtract multiple sets.


fn sdiffstore<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Subtract multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.


fn sinter<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, keys: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Intersect multiple sets.


fn sinterstore<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Intersect multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.


fn sismember<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, member: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Determine if a given value is a member of a set.


fn smismember<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, members: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Determine if given values are members of a set.


fn smembers<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Get all the members in a set.


fn smove<'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, srckey: S, dstkey: D, member: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Move a member from one set to another.


fn spop<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Remove and return a random member from a set.


fn srandmember<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Get one random member from a set.


fn srandmember_multiple<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, count: usize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Get multiple random members from a set.


fn srem<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, member: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Remove one or more members from a set.


fn sunion<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, keys: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Add multiple sets.


fn sunionstore<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Add multiple sets and store the resulting set in a key.


fn zadd<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, member: M, score: S, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Add one member to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.


fn zadd_multiple<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, items: &'a [(S, M)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Add multiple members to a sorted set, or update its score if it already exists.


fn zcard<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Get the number of members in a sorted set.


fn zcount<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Count the members in a sorted set with scores within the given values.


fn zincr<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, member: M, delta: D, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Increments the member in a sorted set at key by delta. If the member does not exist, it is added with delta as its score.


fn zinterstore<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [K], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key using SUM as aggregation function.


fn zinterstore_min<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [K], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key using MIN as aggregation function.


fn zinterstore_max<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [K], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Intersect multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key using MAX as aggregation function.


fn zinterstore_weights<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, W: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [(K, W)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Commands::zinterstore, but with the ability to specify a multiplication factor for each sorted set by pairing one with each key in a tuple.


fn zinterstore_min_weights<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, W: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [(K, W)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Commands::zinterstore_min, but with the ability to specify a multiplication factor for each sorted set by pairing one with each key in a tuple.


fn zinterstore_max_weights<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, W: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [(K, W)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Commands::zinterstore_max, but with the ability to specify a multiplication factor for each sorted set by pairing one with each key in a tuple.


fn zlexcount<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Count the number of members in a sorted set between a given lexicographical range.


fn bzpopmax<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, timeout: f64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Removes and returns the member with the highest score in a sorted set. Blocks until a member is available otherwise.


fn zpopmax<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Removes and returns up to count members with the highest scores in a sorted set


fn bzpopmin<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, timeout: f64, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Removes and returns the member with the lowest score in a sorted set. Blocks until a member is available otherwise.


fn zpopmin<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Removes and returns up to count members with the lowest scores in a sorted set


fn bzmpop_max<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, timeout: f64, keys: &'a [K], count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Removes and returns up to count members with the highest scores, from the first non-empty sorted set in the provided list of key names. Blocks until a member is available otherwise.


fn zmpop_max<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, keys: &'a [K], count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Removes and returns up to count members with the highest scores, from the first non-empty sorted set in the provided list of key names.


fn bzmpop_min<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, timeout: f64, keys: &'a [K], count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Removes and returns up to count members with the lowest scores, from the first non-empty sorted set in the provided list of key names. Blocks until a member is available otherwise.


fn zmpop_min<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, keys: &'a [K], count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Removes and returns up to count members with the lowest scores, from the first non-empty sorted set in the provided list of key names.


fn zrandmember<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, count: Option<isize>, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return up to count random members in a sorted set (or 1 if count == None)


fn zrandmember_withscores<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return up to count random members in a sorted set with scores


fn zrange<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, start: isize, stop: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index


fn zrange_withscores<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, start: isize, stop: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index with scores.


fn zrangebylex<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range.


fn zrangebylex_limit<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, offset: isize, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range with offset and limit.


fn zrevrangebylex<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, max: MM, min: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range.


fn zrevrangebylex_limit<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, max: MM, min: M, offset: isize, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by lexicographical range with offset and limit.


fn zrangebyscore<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score.


fn zrangebyscore_withscores<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score with scores.


fn zrangebyscore_limit<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, offset: isize, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score with limit.


fn zrangebyscore_limit_withscores<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, offset: isize, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score with limit with scores.


fn zrank<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, member: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Determine the index of a member in a sorted set.


fn zrem<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, members: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Remove one or more members from a sorted set.


fn zrembylex<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Remove all members in a sorted set between the given lexicographical range.


fn zremrangebyrank<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, start: isize, stop: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Remove all members in a sorted set within the given indexes.


fn zrembyscore<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, min: M, max: MM, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Remove all members in a sorted set within the given scores.


fn zrevrange<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, start: isize, stop: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.


fn zrevrange_withscores<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, start: isize, stop: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index, with scores ordered from high to low.


fn zrevrangebyscore<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, max: MM, min: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score.


fn zrevrangebyscore_withscores<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, max: MM, min: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score with scores.


fn zrevrangebyscore_limit<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, max: MM, min: M, offset: isize, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score with limit.


fn zrevrangebyscore_limit_withscores<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, MM: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, max: MM, min: M, offset: isize, count: isize, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return a range of members in a sorted set, by score with limit with scores.


fn zrevrank<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, member: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Determine the index of a member in a sorted set, with scores ordered from high to low.


fn zscore<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, member: M, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set.


fn zscore_multiple<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, M: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, members: &'a [M], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Get the scores associated with multiple members in a sorted set.


fn zunionstore<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [K], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Unions multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key using SUM as aggregation function.


fn zunionstore_min<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [K], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Unions multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key using MIN as aggregation function.


fn zunionstore_max<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [K], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Unions multiple sorted sets and store the resulting sorted set in a new key using MAX as aggregation function.


fn zunionstore_weights<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, W: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [(K, W)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Commands::zunionstore, but with the ability to specify a multiplication factor for each sorted set by pairing one with each key in a tuple.


fn zunionstore_min_weights<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, W: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [(K, W)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Commands::zunionstore_min, but with the ability to specify a multiplication factor for each sorted set by pairing one with each key in a tuple.


fn zunionstore_max_weights<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, W: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, keys: &'a [(K, W)], ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Commands::zunionstore_max, but with the ability to specify a multiplication factor for each sorted set by pairing one with each key in a tuple.


fn pfadd<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, E: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, element: E, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Adds the specified elements to the specified HyperLogLog.


fn pfcount<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Return the approximated cardinality of the set(s) observed by the HyperLogLog at key(s).


fn pfmerge<'a, D: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, S: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, dstkey: D, srckeys: S, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Merge N different HyperLogLogs into a single one.


fn publish<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, E: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, channel: K, message: E, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Posts a message to the given channel.


fn object_encoding<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Returns the encoding of a key.


fn object_idletime<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Returns the time in seconds since the last access of a key.


fn object_freq<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Returns the logarithmic access frequency counter of a key.


fn object_refcount<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

Returns the reference count of a key.


fn xrevrange_all<'a, K: ToRedisArgs + Send + Sync + 'a, RV>( &'a mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'a, RV>
where RV: FromRedisValue,

This is the reverse version of xrange_all. The same rules apply for start and end here.


fn scan<RV: FromRedisValue>(&mut self) -> RedisFuture<'_, AsyncIter<'_, RV>>

Incrementally iterate the keys space.


fn scan_match<P: ToRedisArgs, RV: FromRedisValue>( &mut self, pattern: P, ) -> RedisFuture<'_, AsyncIter<'_, RV>>

Incrementally iterate set elements for elements matching a pattern.


fn hscan<K: ToRedisArgs, RV: FromRedisValue>( &mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'_, AsyncIter<'_, RV>>

Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values.


fn hscan_match<K: ToRedisArgs, P: ToRedisArgs, RV: FromRedisValue>( &mut self, key: K, pattern: P, ) -> RedisFuture<'_, AsyncIter<'_, RV>>

Incrementally iterate hash fields and associated values for field names matching a pattern.


fn sscan<K: ToRedisArgs, RV: FromRedisValue>( &mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'_, AsyncIter<'_, RV>>

Incrementally iterate set elements.


fn sscan_match<K: ToRedisArgs, P: ToRedisArgs, RV: FromRedisValue>( &mut self, key: K, pattern: P, ) -> RedisFuture<'_, AsyncIter<'_, RV>>

Incrementally iterate set elements for elements matching a pattern.


fn zscan<K: ToRedisArgs, RV: FromRedisValue>( &mut self, key: K, ) -> RedisFuture<'_, AsyncIter<'_, RV>>

Incrementally iterate sorted set elements.


fn zscan_match<K: ToRedisArgs, P: ToRedisArgs, RV: FromRedisValue>( &mut self, key: K, pattern: P, ) -> RedisFuture<'_, AsyncIter<'_, RV>>

Incrementally iterate sorted set elements for elements matching a pattern.

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.



impl<T> AsyncCommands for T
where T: ConnectionLike + Send + Sized,