
Macro initialize_observability

macro_rules! initialize_observability {
    ($provider_name:expr, $maybe_flamegraphs_path:expr) => { ... };
Expand description

Initialize observability for a given provider with host-supplied data, via tracing.

This functionality exists as a macro due to the requirement that tracing be initialized from binary code, rather than library code.

This macro loads host data and uses the provider-sdk to build a [tracing_core::Dispatch] and relevant guards/internal structures to configure it with information relevant to the host

This macro introduces the following variables into scope:

  • __observability__guard


  • provider_name - An expression that evaluates to a &str which is the name of your provider
  • maybe_flamegraphs_path - An expression that evaluates to a Option<impl AsRef<Path>> for flamegraph path