Crate serde_qs

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Serde support for querystring-style strings

Querystrings are not formally defined and loosely take the form of nested urlencoded queries.

This library aims for compatability with the syntax of qs and also of the Rack::Utils::parse_nested_query implementation.

For users who do not require nested URL parameters, it is highly recommended that the serde_urlencoded crate is used instead, which will almost certainly perform better for deserializing simple inputs.

§Supported Types

At the top level, serde_qs only supports struct, map, and enum. These are the only top-level structs which can be de/serialized since Querystrings rely on having a (key, value) pair for each field, which necessitates this kind of structure.

However, after the top level you should find all supported types can be de/serialized.

Note that integer keys are reserved for array indices. That is, a string of the form a[0]=1&a[1]=3 will deserialize to the ordered sequence a = [1,3].


See the examples folder for a more detailed introduction.

Serializing/Deserializing is designed to work with maps and structs.

extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde_qs as qs;

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct Address {
    city: String,
    postcode: String,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct QueryParams {
    id: u8,
    name: String,
    address: Address,
    phone: u32,
    user_ids: Vec<u8>,

let params = QueryParams {
    id: 42,
    name: "Acme".to_string(),
    phone: 12345,
    address: Address {
        city: "Carrot City".to_string(),
        postcode: "12345".to_string(),
    user_ids: vec![1, 2, 3, 4],
let rec_params: QueryParams = qs::from_str("\
assert_eq!(rec_params, params);

§Strict vs Non-Strict modes

serde_qs supports two operating modes, which can be specified using Config, and is all about how serde_qs handles square brackets.

Techncially, square brackets should be encoded in URLs as %5B and %5D. However, they are often used in their raw format to specify querystrings such as a[b]=123.

In strict mode, serde_qs will only tolerate unencoded square brackets to denote nested keys. So a[b]=123 will decode as {"a": {"b": 123}}. This means that encoded square brackets can actually be part of the key. a[b%5Bc%5D]=123 becomes {"a": {"b[c]": 123}}.

However, since some implementations will automatically encode everything in the URL, we also have a non-strict mode. This means that serde_qs will assume that any encoded square brackets in the string were meant to be taken as nested keys. From the example before, a[b%5Bc%5D]=123 will now become {"a": {"b": {"c": 123 }}}.

Non-strict mode can be useful when, as said before, some middleware automatically encodes the brackets. But care must be taken to avoid using keys with square brackets in them, or unexpected things can happen.

§Flatten workaround

A current known limitation in serde is deserializing #[serde(flatten)] structs for formats which are not self-describing. This includes query strings: 12 can be an integer or a string, for example.

We suggest the following workaround:

extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde_qs as qs;
extern crate serde_with;

use serde_with::rust::display_fromstr::deserialize as deserialize_fromstr;

#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Query {
    a: u8,
    common: CommonParams,

#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct CommonParams {
    limit: u64,
    offset: u64,
    remaining: bool,

fn main() {
    let params = "a=1&limit=100&offset=50&remaining=true";
    let query = Query { a: 1, common: CommonParams { limit: 100, offset: 50, remaining: true } };
    let rec_query: Result<Query, _> = qs::from_str(params);
    assert_eq!(rec_query.unwrap(), query);

§Use with actix_web extractors

The actix feature enables the use of serde_qs::actix::QsQuery, which is a direct substitute for the actix_web::Query and can be used as an extractor:

fn index(info: QsQuery<Info>) -> Result<String> {
    Ok(format!("Welcome {}!", info.username))

Support for actix-web 2.0.0 is available via the actix2 feature.

§Use with warp filters

The warp feature enables the use of serde_qs::warp::query(), which is a substitute for the warp::query::query() filter and can be used like this:

    .and_then(|info| async move {
        Ok::<_, Rejection>(format!("Welcome {}!", info.username))


  • To override the default serialization parameters, first construct a new Config.
  • A serializer for the querystring format.


  • Error type for serde_qs.


  • Deserializes a querystring from a &[u8].
  • Deserializes a querystring from a &str.
  • Serializes a value into a querystring.
  • Serializes a value into a generic writer object.