Crate wasm_metadata

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Read and manipulate WebAssembly metadata


  • Add metadata (module name, producers) to a WebAssembly file.
  • Contact details of the people or organization responsible, encoded as a freeform string.
  • Helper for rewriting a component’s component-name section with a new component name.
  • Human-readable description of the binary
  • URL to find more information on the binary
  • License(s) under which contained software is distributed as an SPDX License Expression.
  • Metadata associated with a Wasm Component or Module
  • Helper for rewriting a module’s name section with a new module name.
  • A representation of a WebAssembly producers section.
  • Contents of a producers field
  • Source control revision identifier for the packaged software.
  • URL to get source code for building the image
  • Version of the packaged software


  • Data representing either a Wasm Component or module