Crate wasmcloud_provider_http_server

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The httpserver capability provider allows wasmcloud components to receive and process http(s) messages from web browsers, command-line tools such as curl, and other http clients. The server is fully asynchronous, and built on Rust’s high-performance axum library, which is in turn based on hyper, and can process a large number of simultaneous connections.


  • HTTP/1 and HTTP/2
  • TLS
  • CORS support (select allowed_origins, allowed_methods, allowed_headers.) Cors has sensible defaults so it should work as-is for development purposes, and may need refinement for production if a more secure configuration is required.
  • All settings can be specified at runtime, using per-component link settings:
    • bind path/address
    • TLS
    • Cors
  • Flexible confiuration loading: from host, or from local toml or json file.
  • Fully asynchronous, using tokio lightweight “green” threads
  • Thread pool (for managing a pool of OS threads). The default thread pool has one thread per cpu core.



  • Load settings provides a flexible means for loading configuration. Return value is any structure with Deserialize, or for example, HashMap<String,String> config_b64: base64-encoded json string config_json: raw json string Also accept “address” (a string representing SocketAddr) and “port”, a localhost port If more than one key is provided, they are processed in the order above. (later names override earlier names in the list)