Crate cloudevents

Expand description

This crate implements the CloudEvents Spec for Rust.

use cloudevents::{EventBuilder, AttributesReader, EventBuilderV10};
use chrono::{Utc, DateTime};
use url::Url;

let event = EventBuilderV10::new()

println!("CloudEvent Id: {}",;
match event.time() {
    Some(t) => println!("CloudEvent Time: {}", t),
    None => println!("CloudEvent Time: None")

This crate includes:

  • The Event data structure, to represent CloudEvent (version 1.0 and 0.3)
  • The EventBuilder trait and implementations, to create Event instances
  • The implementation of serde::Serialize and serde::Deserialize for Event to serialize/deserialize CloudEvents to/from JSON
  • Traits and utilities in message to implement Protocol Bindings
  • Feature-guarded modules for various Protocol Binding implementations, e.g. actix, axum, reqwest, warp, rdkafka

§Feature flags

Cloudevents uses a set of feature flags to conditionally compile only the module associated with the Protocol Binding you need:

  • actix: Enables the [binding::actix] protocol binding module. This extends the [actix_web::HttpRequest] with a to_event function, the [actix_web::HttpResponseBuilder] with an event function, and implementations for [actix_web::FromRequest] and [actix_web::Responder] in order to take advantage of actix-web’s Extractors and Responders
  • reqwest: Enables the [binding::reqwest] protocol binding module.
  • warp: Enables the [binding::warp] protocol binding module.
  • axum: Enables the [binding::axum] protocol binding module.
  • rdkafka: Enables the [binding::rdkafka] protocol binding module to seamlessly consume/produce cloudevents within Kafka messages.


