Pure Rust digital signature library with support for elliptic curve digital signature algorithms, namely ECDSA (FIPS 186‑4) and Ed25519 (RFC 8032).
This crate provides a thread-and-object-safe API for both creating and verifying elliptic curve digital signatures, using either software-based or hardware-based providers.
The following algorithms are supported:
Rust 1.65 or newer.
In the future, we reserve the right to change MSRV (i.e. MSRV is out-of-scope for this crate’s SemVer guarantees), however when we do it will be accompanied by a minor version bump.
Signatory is distributed under your choice of the terms of the MIT license and/or the Apache License (Version 2.0).
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.