Crate spdx




  • Error types
  • Auto-generated lists of license identifiers and exception identifiers
  • Contains types for lexing an SPDX license expression


  • Unique identifier for a particular exception
  • Unique identifier for a particular license
  • Represents a single license requirement, which must include a valid LicenseItem, and may allow current and future versions of the license, and may also allow for a specific exception
  • A convenience wrapper for a license and optional exception that can be checked against a license requirement to see if it satisfies the requirement placed by a license holder


  • A single license term in a license expression, according to the SPDX spec. This can be either an SPDX license, which is mapped to a LicenseId from a valid SPDX short identifier, or else a document AND/OR license ref


  • Attempts to find an ExceptionId for the string
  • Find license partially matching the name, e.g. “apache” => “Apache-2.0”
  • Attempts to find a LicenseId for the string. Note that any + at the end is trimmed when searching for a match.
  • Returns the version number of the SPDX list from which the license and exception identifiers are sourced from