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//! This crate implements the [CloudEvents]( Spec for Rust.
//! ```
//! # use std::error::Error;
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
//! use cloudevents::{EventBuilder, AttributesReader, EventBuilderV10};
//! use chrono::{Utc, DateTime};
//! use url::Url;
//! let event = EventBuilderV10::new()
//! .id("my_event.my_application")
//! .source("http://localhost:8080")
//! .ty("example.demo")
//! .time(Utc::now())
//! .build()?;
//! println!("CloudEvent Id: {}",;
//! match event.time() {
//! Some(t) => println!("CloudEvent Time: {}", t),
//! None => println!("CloudEvent Time: None")
//! }
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! This crate includes:
//! * The [`Event`] data structure, to represent CloudEvent (version 1.0 and 0.3)
//! * The [`EventBuilder`] trait and implementations, to create [`Event`] instances
//! * The implementation of [`serde::Serialize`] and [`serde::Deserialize`] for [`Event`] to serialize/deserialize CloudEvents to/from JSON
//! * Traits and utilities in [`message`] to implement Protocol Bindings
//! * Feature-guarded modules for various Protocol Binding implementations, e.g. actix, axum, reqwest, warp, rdkafka
//! ## Feature flags
//! Cloudevents uses a set of [feature flags] to conditionally compile
//! only the module associated with the Protocol Binding you need:
//! - `actix`: Enables the [`binding::actix`] protocol binding module. This
//! extends the [`actix_web::HttpRequest`] with a
//! [`to_event`](binding::actix::HttpRequestExt::to_event) function, the
//! [`actix_web::HttpResponseBuilder`] with an
//! [`event`](binding::actix::HttpResponseBuilderExt::event) function,
//! and implementations for [`actix_web::FromRequest`] and
//! [`actix_web::Responder`] in order to take advantage of actix-web's
//! [Extractors] and [Responders]
//! - `reqwest`: Enables the [`binding::reqwest`] protocol binding module.
//! - `warp`: Enables the [`binding::warp`] protocol binding module.
//! - `axum`: Enables the [`binding::axum`] protocol binding module.
//! - `rdkafka`: Enables the [`binding::rdkafka`] protocol binding module to
//! seamlessly consume/produce cloudevents within Kafka messages.
//! [feature flags]:
//! [Extractors]:
//! [Responders]:
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg))] // Show feature gate in doc
pub mod binding;
pub mod event;
pub mod message;
pub mod test;
pub use event::Data;
pub use event::Event;
pub use event::{AttributesReader, AttributesWriter};
pub use event::{EventBuilder, EventBuilderV03, EventBuilderV10};