* Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
use crate::provider_config::ProviderConfig;
use crate::retry::error::{RetryConfigError, RetryConfigErrorKind};
use aws_runtime::env_config::{EnvConfigError, EnvConfigValue};
use aws_smithy_types::error::display::DisplayErrorContext;
use aws_smithy_types::retry::{RetryConfig, RetryMode};
use std::str::FromStr;
/// Default RetryConfig Provider chain
/// Unlike other "providers" `RetryConfig` has no related `RetryConfigProvider` trait. Instead,
/// a builder struct is returned which has a similar API.
/// This provider will check the following sources in order:
/// 1. Environment variables: `AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS` & `AWS_RETRY_MODE`
/// 2. Profile file: `max_attempts` and `retry_mode`
/// # Example
/// When running [`aws_config::from_env()`](crate::from_env()), a [`ConfigLoader`](crate::ConfigLoader)
/// is created that will then create a [`RetryConfig`] from the default_provider. There is no
/// need to call `default_provider` and the example below is only for illustration purposes.
/// ```no_run
/// # use std::error::Error;
/// # #[tokio::main]
/// # async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
/// use aws_config::default_provider::retry_config;
/// // Load a retry config from a specific profile
/// let retry_config = retry_config::default_provider()
/// .profile_name("other_profile")
/// .retry_config()
/// .await;
/// let config = aws_config::from_env()
/// // Override the retry config set by the default profile
/// .retry_config(retry_config)
/// .load()
/// .await;
/// // instantiate a service client:
/// // <my_aws_service>::Client::new(&config);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn default_provider() -> Builder {
mod env {
pub(super) const MAX_ATTEMPTS: &str = "AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS";
pub(super) const RETRY_MODE: &str = "AWS_RETRY_MODE";
mod profile_keys {
pub(super) const MAX_ATTEMPTS: &str = "max_attempts";
pub(super) const RETRY_MODE: &str = "retry_mode";
/// Builder for RetryConfig that checks the environment and aws profile for configuration
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Builder {
provider_config: ProviderConfig,
impl Builder {
/// Configure the default chain
/// Exposed for overriding the environment when unit-testing providers
pub fn configure(mut self, configuration: &ProviderConfig) -> Self {
self.provider_config = configuration.clone();
/// Override the profile name used by this provider
pub fn profile_name(mut self, name: &str) -> Self {
self.provider_config = self.provider_config.with_profile_name(name.to_string());
/// Attempt to create a [`RetryConfig`] from following sources in order:
/// 1. Environment variables: `AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS` & `AWS_RETRY_MODE`
/// 2. Profile file: `max_attempts` and `retry_mode`
/// 3. [RetryConfig::standard()](aws_smithy_types::retry::RetryConfig::standard)
/// Precedence is considered on a per-field basis
/// # Panics
/// - Panics if the `AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS` env var or `max_attempts` profile var is set to 0
/// - Panics if the `AWS_RETRY_MODE` env var or `retry_mode` profile var is set to "adaptive" (it's not yet supported)
pub async fn retry_config(self) -> RetryConfig {
match self.try_retry_config().await {
Ok(conf) => conf,
Err(e) => panic!("{}", DisplayErrorContext(e)),
pub(crate) async fn try_retry_config(
) -> Result<RetryConfig, EnvConfigError<RetryConfigError>> {
let env = self.provider_config.env();
let profiles = self.provider_config.profile().await;
// Both of these can return errors due to invalid config settings, and we want to surface those as early as possible
// hence, we'll panic if any config values are invalid (missing values are OK though)
// We match this instead of unwrapping, so we can print the error with the `Display` impl instead of the `Debug` impl that unwrap uses
let mut retry_config = RetryConfig::standard();
let max_attempts = EnvConfigValue::new()
.validate(&env, profiles, validate_max_attempts);
let retry_mode = EnvConfigValue::new()
.validate(&env, profiles, |s| {
.map_err(|err| RetryConfigErrorKind::InvalidRetryMode { source: err }.into())
if let Some(max_attempts) = max_attempts? {
retry_config = retry_config.with_max_attempts(max_attempts);
if let Some(retry_mode) = retry_mode? {
retry_config = retry_config.with_retry_mode(retry_mode);
fn validate_max_attempts(max_attempts: &str) -> Result<u32, RetryConfigError> {
match max_attempts.parse::<u32>() {
Ok(0) => Err(RetryConfigErrorKind::MaxAttemptsMustNotBeZero.into()),
Ok(max_attempts) => Ok(max_attempts),
Err(source) => Err(RetryConfigErrorKind::FailedToParseMaxAttempts { source }.into()),
mod test {
use crate::default_provider::retry_config::env;
use crate::provider_config::ProviderConfig;
use crate::retry::{
error::RetryConfigError, error::RetryConfigErrorKind, RetryConfig, RetryMode,
use aws_runtime::env_config::EnvConfigError;
use aws_types::os_shim_internal::{Env, Fs};
async fn test_provider(
vars: &[(&str, &str)],
) -> Result<RetryConfig, EnvConfigError<RetryConfigError>> {
async fn test_returns_default_retry_config_from_empty_profile() {
let env = Env::from_slice(&[("AWS_CONFIG_FILE", "config")]);
let fs = Fs::from_slice(&[("config", "[default]\n")]);
let provider_config = ProviderConfig::no_configuration().with_env(env).with_fs(fs);
let actual_retry_config = super::default_provider()
let expected_retry_config = RetryConfig::standard();
assert_eq!(actual_retry_config, expected_retry_config);
// This is redundant, but it's really important to make sure that
// we're setting these exact values by default, so we check twice
assert_eq!(actual_retry_config.max_attempts(), 3);
assert_eq!(actual_retry_config.mode(), RetryMode::Standard);
async fn test_no_retry_config_in_empty_profile() {
let env = Env::from_slice(&[("AWS_CONFIG_FILE", "config")]);
let fs = Fs::from_slice(&[("config", "[default]\n")]);
let provider_config = ProviderConfig::no_configuration().with_env(env).with_fs(fs);
let actual_retry_config = super::default_provider()
let expected_retry_config = RetryConfig::standard();
assert_eq!(actual_retry_config, expected_retry_config)
async fn test_creation_of_retry_config_from_profile() {
let env = Env::from_slice(&[("AWS_CONFIG_FILE", "config")]);
// TODO(https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/247): standard is the default mode;
// this test would be better if it was setting it to adaptive mode
// adaptive mode is currently unsupported so that would panic
let fs = Fs::from_slice(&[(
// If the lines with the vars have preceding spaces, they don't get read
max_attempts = 1
retry_mode = standard
let provider_config = ProviderConfig::no_configuration().with_env(env).with_fs(fs);
let actual_retry_config = super::default_provider()
let expected_retry_config = RetryConfig::standard().with_max_attempts(1);
assert_eq!(actual_retry_config, expected_retry_config)
async fn test_env_retry_config_takes_precedence_over_profile_retry_config() {
let env = Env::from_slice(&[
("AWS_CONFIG_FILE", "config"),
("AWS_RETRY_MODE", "standard"),
// TODO(https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/issues/247) standard is the default mode;
// this test would be better if it was setting it to adaptive mode
// adaptive mode is currently unsupported so that would panic
let fs = Fs::from_slice(&[(
// If the lines with the vars have preceding spaces, they don't get read
max_attempts = 88
retry_mode = standard
let provider_config = ProviderConfig::no_configuration().with_env(env).with_fs(fs);
let actual_retry_config = super::default_provider()
let expected_retry_config = RetryConfig::standard().with_max_attempts(42);
assert_eq!(actual_retry_config, expected_retry_config)
#[should_panic = "failed to parse max attempts. source: global profile (`default`) key: `max_attempts`: invalid digit found in string"]
async fn test_invalid_profile_retry_config_panics() {
let env = Env::from_slice(&[("AWS_CONFIG_FILE", "config")]);
let fs = Fs::from_slice(&[(
// If the lines with the vars have preceding spaces, they don't get read
max_attempts = potato
let provider_config = ProviderConfig::no_configuration().with_env(env).with_fs(fs);
let _ = super::default_provider()
async fn defaults() {
let built = test_provider(&[]).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(built.mode(), RetryMode::Standard);
assert_eq!(built.max_attempts(), 3);
async fn max_attempts_is_read_correctly() {
test_provider(&[(env::MAX_ATTEMPTS, "88")]).await.unwrap(),
async fn max_attempts_errors_when_it_cant_be_parsed_as_an_integer() {
test_provider(&[(env::MAX_ATTEMPTS, "not an integer")])
RetryConfigError {
kind: RetryConfigErrorKind::FailedToParseMaxAttempts { .. }
async fn retry_mode_is_read_correctly() {
test_provider(&[(env::RETRY_MODE, "standard")])
async fn both_fields_can_be_set_at_once() {
test_provider(&[(env::RETRY_MODE, "standard"), (env::MAX_ATTEMPTS, "13")])
async fn disallow_zero_max_attempts() {
let err = test_provider(&[(env::MAX_ATTEMPTS, "0")])
let err = err.err();
RetryConfigError {
kind: RetryConfigErrorKind::MaxAttemptsMustNotBeZero { .. }