* Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
//! Load a region from an AWS profile
use crate::meta::region::{future, ProvideRegion};
use crate::profile::profile_file::ProfileFiles;
use crate::profile::ProfileSet;
use crate::provider_config::ProviderConfig;
use aws_types::region::Region;
/// Load a region from a profile file
/// This provider will attempt to load AWS shared configuration, then read the `region` property
/// from the active profile.
#[doc = include_str!("location_of_profile_files.md")]
/// # Examples
/// **Loads "us-west-2" as the region**
/// ```ini
/// [default]
/// region = us-west-2
/// ```
/// **Loads `us-east-1` as the region _if and only if_ the `AWS_PROFILE` environment variable is set
/// to `other`.**
/// ```ini
/// [profile other]
/// region = us-east-1
/// ```
/// This provider is part of the [default region provider chain](crate::default_provider::region).
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct ProfileFileRegionProvider {
provider_config: ProviderConfig,
/// Builder for [ProfileFileRegionProvider]
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Builder {
config: Option<ProviderConfig>,
profile_override: Option<String>,
profile_files: Option<ProfileFiles>,
impl Builder {
/// Override the configuration for this provider
pub fn configure(mut self, config: &ProviderConfig) -> Self {
self.config = Some(config.clone());
/// Override the profile name used by the [`ProfileFileRegionProvider`]
pub fn profile_name(mut self, profile_name: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
self.profile_override = Some(profile_name.into());
/// Set the profile file that should be used by the [`ProfileFileRegionProvider`]
pub fn profile_files(mut self, profile_files: ProfileFiles) -> Self {
self.profile_files = Some(profile_files);
/// Build a [ProfileFileRegionProvider] from this builder
pub fn build(self) -> ProfileFileRegionProvider {
let conf = self
.with_profile_config(self.profile_files, self.profile_override);
ProfileFileRegionProvider {
provider_config: conf,
impl ProfileFileRegionProvider {
/// Create a new [ProfileFileRegionProvider]
/// To override the selected profile, set the `AWS_PROFILE` environment variable or use the [`Builder`].
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
provider_config: ProviderConfig::default(),
/// [`Builder`] to construct a [`ProfileFileRegionProvider`]
pub fn builder() -> Builder {
async fn region(&self) -> Option<Region> {
let profile_set = self.provider_config.profile().await?;
fn resolve_profile_chain_for_region(profile_set: &'_ ProfileSet) -> Option<Region> {
if profile_set.is_empty() {
return None;
let mut selected_profile = profile_set.selected_profile();
let mut visited_profiles = vec![];
loop {
let profile = profile_set.get_profile(selected_profile)?;
// Check to see if we're in a loop and return if that's true.
// Else, add the profile we're currently checking to our list of visited profiles.
if visited_profiles.contains(&selected_profile) {
return None;
} else {
// Attempt to get region and source_profile for current profile
let selected_profile_region = profile
.map(|region| Region::new(region.to_owned()));
let source_profile = profile.get("source_profile");
// Check to see what we got
match (selected_profile_region, source_profile) {
// Profile had a region specified, return it :D
(Some(region), _) => {
return Some(region);
// No region specified, source_profile is self-referential so we return to avoid infinite loop
(None, Some(source_profile)) if source_profile == selected_profile => {
return None;
// No region specified, no source_profile specified so we return empty-handed
(None, None) => {
return None;
// No region specified, check source profile for a region in next loop iteration
(None, Some(source_profile)) => {
selected_profile = source_profile;
impl ProvideRegion for ProfileFileRegionProvider {
fn region(&self) -> future::ProvideRegion<'_> {
mod test {
use crate::profile::ProfileFileRegionProvider;
use crate::provider_config::ProviderConfig;
use crate::test_case::no_traffic_client;
use aws_types::os_shim_internal::{Env, Fs};
use aws_types::region::Region;
use futures_util::FutureExt;
use tracing_test::traced_test;
fn provider_config(dir_name: &str) -> ProviderConfig {
let fs = Fs::from_test_dir(format!("test-data/profile-provider/{}/fs", dir_name), "/");
let env = Env::from_slice(&[("HOME", "/home")]);
fn load_region() {
let provider = ProfileFileRegionProvider::builder()
fn load_region_env_profile_override() {
let conf = provider_config("region_override").with_env(Env::from_slice(&[
("HOME", "/home"),
("AWS_PROFILE", "base"),
let provider = ProfileFileRegionProvider::builder()
fn load_region_nonexistent_profile() {
let conf = provider_config("region_override").with_env(Env::from_slice(&[
("HOME", "/home"),
("AWS_PROFILE", "doesnotexist"),
let provider = ProfileFileRegionProvider::builder()
assert_eq!(provider.region().now_or_never().unwrap(), None);
fn load_region_explicit_override() {
let conf = provider_config("region_override");
let provider = ProfileFileRegionProvider::builder()
async fn load_region_from_source_profile() {
let config = r#"
[profile credentials]
aws_access_key_id = test-access-key-id
aws_secret_access_key = test-secret-access-key
aws_session_token = test-session-token
region = us-east-1
[profile needs-source]
source_profile = credentials
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/test
let fs = Fs::from_slice(&[("test_config", config)]);
let env = Env::from_slice(&[("AWS_CONFIG_FILE", "test_config")]);
let provider_config = ProviderConfig::empty()