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//! Implementation of resource type information within Wasmtime.
//! Resource types are one of the trickier parts of the component model. Types
//! such as `list`, `record`, and `string` are considered "structural" where two
//! types are considered equal if their components are equal. For example `(list
//! $a)` and `(list $b)` are the same if `$a` and `$b` are the same. Resources,
//! however, are not as simple.
//! The type of a resource can "change" sort of depending on who you are and how
//! you view it. Some examples of resources are:
//! * When a resource is imported into a component the internal component
//! doesn't know the underlying resource type, but the outer component which
//! performed an instantiation knows that. This means that if a component
//! imports two unique resources but is instantiated with two copies of the
//! same resource the internal component can't know they're the same but the
//! outer component knows they're the same.
//! * Each instantiation of a component produces new resource types. This means
//! that if a component instantiates a subcomponent twice then the resources
//! defined in that subcomponent are considered different between the two
//! instances.
//! All this is basically to say that resources require special care. The
//! purpose of resources are to provide isolation across component boundaries
//! and strict guarantees around ownership and borrowing. Getting the type
//! information wrong can compromise on all of these guarantees which is
//! something Wasmtime would ideally avoid.
//! ## Interaction with `wasmparser`
//! The trickiness of resource types is not unique of Wasmtime and the first
//! line of translating a component, `wasmparser`, already has quite a lot of
//! support for handling all the various special cases of resources. Namely
//! `wasmparser` has a `ResourceId` type which can be used to test whether two
//! resources are the same or unique. For example in the above scenario where a
//! component imports two resources then within that component they'll have
//! unique ids. Externally though the outer component will be able to see that
//! the ids are the same.
//! Given the subtlety here the goal is to lean on `wasmparser` as much as
//! possible for this information. The thinking is "well it got things right so
//! let's not duplicate". This is one of the motivations for plumbing
//! `wasmparser`'s type information throughout `LocalInitializer` structures
//! during translation of a component. During conversion to a
//! `GlobalInitializer` is where everything is boiled away.
//! ## Converting to Wasmtime
//! The purpose of this module then is to convert `wasmparser`'s view of
//! resources into Wasmtime's view of resources. Wasmtime's goal is to
//! determine how many tables are required for each resource within a component
//! and then from then on purely talk about table indices. Each component
//! instance will require a table per-resource and this figures that all out.
//! The conversion process, however, is relatively tightly intertwined with type
//! conversion in general. The "leaves" of a type may be resources but there are
//! other structures in a type such as lists, records, variants, etc. This means
//! that the `ResourcesBuilder` below is embedded within a
//! `ComponentTypesBuilder`. This also means that it's unfortunately not easy to
//! disentangle pieces and have one nice standalone file that handles everything
//! related to type information about resources. Instead this one file was
//! chosen as the place for this doc comment but the file itself is deceptively
//! small as much of the other handling happens elsewhere in component
//! translation.
//! For more details on fiddly bits see the documentation on various fields and
//! methods below.
use crate::component::{
ComponentTypes, ResourceIndex, RuntimeComponentInstanceIndex, TypeResourceTable,
use crate::prelude::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use wasmparser::types;
/// Builder state used to translate wasmparser's `ResourceId` types to
/// Wasmtime's `TypeResourceTableIndex` type.
/// This is contained in a `ComponentTypesBuilder` but is modified quite a bit
/// manually via the `inline` phase of component instantiation.
/// This type crucially implements the `Clone` trait which is used to "snapshot"
/// the current state of resource translation. The purpose of `Clone` here is to
/// record translation information just before a subcomponent is instantiated to
/// restore it after the subcomponent's instantiation has completed. This is
/// done to handle instantiations of the same component multiple times
/// correctly.
/// Wasmparser produces one set of type information for a component, and not a
/// unique set of type information about its internals for each instantiation.
/// Each instance which results from instantiation gets a new type, but when
/// we're translating the instantiation of a component Wasmtime will re-run all
/// initializers. This means that if naively implemented the `ResourceId`
/// mapping from the first instantiation will be reused by the second
/// instantiation. The snapshotting behavior and restoration guarantees that
/// whenever a subcomponent is visited and instantiated it's guaranteed that
/// there's no registered information for its `ResourceId` definitions within
/// this builder.
/// Note that `ResourceId` references are guaranteed to be "local" in the sense
/// that if a resource is defined within a component then the ID it's assigned
/// internally within a component is different than the ID when it's
/// instantiated (since all instantiations produce new types). This means that
/// when throwing away state built-up from within a component that's also
/// reasonable because the information should never be used after a component is
/// left anyway.
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
pub struct ResourcesBuilder {
/// A cache of previously visited `ResourceId` items and which table they
/// correspond to. This is lazily populated as resources are visited and is
/// exclusively used by the `convert` function below.
resource_id_to_table_index: HashMap<types::ResourceId, TypeResourceTableIndex>,
/// A cache of the origin resource type behind a `ResourceId`.
/// Unlike `resource_id_to_table_index` this is required to be eagerly
/// populated before translation of a type occurs. This is populated by
/// `register_*` methods below and is manually done during the `inline`
/// phase. This is used to record the actual underlying type of a resource
/// and where it originally comes from. When a resource is later referred to
/// then a table is injected to be referred to.
resource_id_to_resource_index: HashMap<types::ResourceId, ResourceIndex>,
/// The current instance index that's being visited. This is updated as
/// inliner frames are processed and components are instantiated.
current_instance: Option<RuntimeComponentInstanceIndex>,
impl ResourcesBuilder {
/// Converts the `id` provided into a `TypeResourceTableIndex`.
/// If `id` has previously been seen or converted, the prior value is
/// returned. Otherwise the `resource_id_to_resource_index` table must have
/// been previously populated and additionally `current_instance` must have
/// been previously set. Using these a new `TypeResourceTable` value is
/// allocated which produces a fresh `TypeResourceTableIndex` within the
/// `types` provided.
/// Due to `wasmparser`'s uniqueness of resource IDs combined with the
/// snapshotting and restoration behavior of `ResourcesBuilder` itself this
/// should have the net effect of the first time a resource is seen within
/// any component it's assigned a new table, which is exactly what we want.
pub fn convert(
&mut self,
id: types::ResourceId,
types: &mut ComponentTypes,
) -> TypeResourceTableIndex {
.or_insert_with(|| {
let ty = self.resource_id_to_resource_index[&id];
let instance = self.current_instance.expect("current instance not set");
types.push_resource_table(TypeResourceTable { ty, instance })
/// Walks over the `ty` provided, as defined within `types`, and registers
/// all the defined resources found with the `register` function provided.
/// This is used to register `ResourceIndex` entries within the
/// `resource_id_to_resource_index` table of this type for situations such
/// as when a resource is imported into a component. During the inlining
/// phase of compilation the actual underlying type of the resource is
/// known due to tracking dataflow and this registers that relationship.
/// The `path` provided is temporary storage to pass to the `register`
/// function eventually.
/// The `register` callback is invoked with `path` with a list of names
/// which correspond to exports of instances to reach the "leaf" where a
/// resource type is expected.
pub fn register_component_entity_type<'a>(
&mut self,
types: &'a types::TypesRef<'_>,
ty: types::ComponentEntityType,
path: &mut Vec<&'a str>,
register: &mut dyn FnMut(&[&'a str]) -> ResourceIndex,
) {
match ty {
// If `ty` is itself a type, and that's a resource type, then this
// is where registration happens. The `register` callback is invoked
// with the current path and that's inserted in to
// `resource_id_to_resource_index` if the resource hasn't been seen
// yet.
types::ComponentEntityType::Type {
created: types::ComponentAnyTypeId::Resource(id),
} => {
.or_insert_with(|| register(path));
// Resources can be imported/defined through exports of instances so
// all instance exports are walked here. Note the management of
// `path` which is used for the recursive invocation of this method.
types::ComponentEntityType::Instance(id) => {
let ty = &types[id];
for (name, ty) in ty.exports.iter() {
self.register_component_entity_type(types, *ty, path, register);
// None of these items can introduce a new component type, so
// there's no need to recurse over these.
| types::ComponentEntityType::Type { .. }
| types::ComponentEntityType::Module(_)
| types::ComponentEntityType::Component(_)
| types::ComponentEntityType::Value(_) => {}
/// Declares that the wasmparser `id`, which must point to a resource, is
/// defined by the `ty` provided.
/// This is used when a local resource is defined within a component for example.
pub fn register_resource(&mut self, id: types::ResourceId, ty: ResourceIndex) {
let prev = self.resource_id_to_resource_index.insert(id, ty);
/// Updates the `current_instance` field to assign instance fields of future
/// `TypeResourceTableIndex` values produced via `convert`.
pub fn set_current_instance(&mut self, instance: RuntimeComponentInstanceIndex) {
self.current_instance = Some(instance);