use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::Duration;
use sysinfo::System;
use tokio::task::JoinHandle;
use wasmcloud_tracing::{Counter, Histogram, KeyValue, Meter, ObservableGauge};
const DEFAULT_REFRESH_TIME: Duration = Duration::from_secs(5);
/// `HostMetrics` encapsulates the set of metrics emitted by the wasmcloud host
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct HostMetrics {
/// Represents the time it took for each handle_rpc_message invocation in nanoseconds.
pub handle_rpc_message_duration_ns: Histogram<u64>,
/// The count of the number of times an component was invoked.
pub component_invocations: Counter<u64>,
/// The count of the number of times an component invocation resulted in an error.
pub component_errors: Counter<u64>,
/// The total amount of available system memory in bytes.
pub system_total_memory_bytes: ObservableGauge<u64>,
/// The total amount of used system memory in bytes.
pub system_used_memory_bytes: ObservableGauge<u64>,
/// The total cpu usage.
pub system_cpu_usage: ObservableGauge<f64>,
/// The host's ID.
// TODO this is actually configured as an InstrumentationScope attribute on the global meter,
// but we don't really have a way of getting at those. We should figure out a way to get at that
// information so we don't have to duplicate it here.
pub host_id: String,
/// The host's lattice ID.
// Eventually a host will be able to support multiple lattices, so this will need to either be
// removed or metrics will need to be scoped per-lattice.
pub lattice_id: String,
// Task handle for dropping when the metrics are no longer needed.
_refresh_task_handle: Arc<RefreshWrapper>,
struct SystemMetrics {
system_total_memory_bytes: u64,
/// The total amount of used system memory in bytes.
system_used_memory_bytes: u64,
/// The total cpu usage.
system_cpu_usage: f64,
/// A helper struct for encapsulating the system metrics that should be wrapped in an Arc.
/// When the final reference is removed, the drop will abort the watch task. This allows the metrics
/// to be clonable
struct RefreshWrapper(JoinHandle<()>);
impl Drop for RefreshWrapper {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl HostMetrics {
/// Construct a new [`HostMetrics`] instance for accessing the various wasmcloud host metrics
/// linked to the provided meter.
/// The `refresh_time` is optional and defaults to 5 seconds. This time is used to configure how
/// often system level metrics are refreshed
pub fn new(
meter: &Meter,
host_id: String,
lattice_id: String,
refresh_time: Option<Duration>,
) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
let wasmcloud_host_handle_rpc_message_duration_ns = meter
.with_description("Duration in nanoseconds each handle_rpc_message operation took")
let component_invocation_count = meter
.with_description("Number of component invocations")
let component_error_count = meter
.with_description("Number of component errors")
let mut system = System::new();
// Get the initial metrics
let initial_metrics = SystemMetrics {
system_total_memory_bytes: system.total_memory(),
system_used_memory_bytes: system.used_memory(),
system_cpu_usage: system.global_cpu_usage() as f64,
let (tx, rx) = tokio::sync::watch::channel(initial_metrics);
let refresh_time = refresh_time.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_REFRESH_TIME);
let refresh_task_handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
tx.send_modify(|current| {
current.system_total_memory_bytes = system.total_memory();
current.system_used_memory_bytes = system.used_memory();
current.system_cpu_usage = system.global_cpu_usage() as f64;
// System Memory
let system_memory_total_bytes = meter
.with_description("The total amount of memory in bytes")
let rx = rx.clone();
move |observer| {
let metrics = rx.borrow();
observer.observe(metrics.system_total_memory_bytes, &[]);
let system_memory_used_bytes = meter
.with_description("The used amount of memory in bytes")
let rx_clone = rx.clone();
move |observer| {
let metrics = rx_clone.borrow();
observer.observe(metrics.system_used_memory_bytes, &[]);
// System CPU
let system_cpu_usage = meter
.with_description("The CPU usage of the process")
let rx = rx.clone();
move |observer| {
let metrics = rx.borrow();
observer.observe(metrics.system_cpu_usage, &[]);
Ok(Self {
handle_rpc_message_duration_ns: wasmcloud_host_handle_rpc_message_duration_ns,
component_invocations: component_invocation_count,
component_errors: component_error_count,
system_total_memory_bytes: system_memory_total_bytes,
system_used_memory_bytes: system_memory_used_bytes,
_refresh_task_handle: Arc::new(RefreshWrapper(refresh_task_handle)),
/// Record the result of invoking a component, including the elapsed time, any attributes, and whether the invocation resulted in an error.
pub(crate) fn record_component_invocation(
elapsed: u64,
attributes: &[KeyValue],
error: bool,
) {
.record(elapsed, attributes);
self.component_invocations.add(1, attributes);
if error {
self.component_errors.add(1, attributes);