//! Trap codes describing the reason for a trap.
use core::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use core::num::NonZeroU8;
use core::str::FromStr;
#[cfg(feature = "enable-serde")]
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// A trap code describing the reason for a trap.
/// All trap instructions have an explicit trap code.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Hash)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct TrapCode(NonZeroU8);
impl TrapCode {
/// Number of reserved opcodes for Cranelift itself. This number of traps are
/// defined below starting at the high end of the byte space (e.g. 255, 254,
/// ...)
const RESERVED: u8 = 5;
const RESERVED_START: u8 = u8::MAX - Self::RESERVED + 1;
/// Internal helper to create new reserved trap codes.
const fn reserved(byte: u8) -> TrapCode {
if let Some(code) = byte.checked_add(Self::RESERVED_START) {
if let Some(nz) = NonZeroU8::new(code) {
return TrapCode(nz);
panic!("invalid reserved opcode")
/// The current stack space was exhausted.
pub const STACK_OVERFLOW: TrapCode = TrapCode::reserved(0);
/// An integer arithmetic operation caused an overflow.
pub const INTEGER_OVERFLOW: TrapCode = TrapCode::reserved(1);
/// A `heap_addr` instruction detected an out-of-bounds error.
/// Note that not all out-of-bounds heap accesses are reported this way;
/// some are detected by a segmentation fault on the heap unmapped or
/// offset-guard pages.
pub const HEAP_OUT_OF_BOUNDS: TrapCode = TrapCode::reserved(2);
/// An integer division by zero.
pub const INTEGER_DIVISION_BY_ZERO: TrapCode = TrapCode::reserved(3);
/// Failed float-to-int conversion.
pub const BAD_CONVERSION_TO_INTEGER: TrapCode = TrapCode::reserved(4);
/// Create a user-defined trap code.
/// Returns `None` if `code` is zero or too large and is reserved by
/// Cranelift.
pub const fn user(code: u8) -> Option<TrapCode> {
if code >= Self::RESERVED_START {
return None;
match NonZeroU8::new(code) {
Some(nz) => Some(TrapCode(nz)),
None => None,
/// Alias for [`TrapCode::user`] with a panic built-in.
pub const fn unwrap_user(code: u8) -> TrapCode {
match TrapCode::user(code) {
Some(code) => code,
None => panic!("invalid user trap code"),
/// Returns the raw byte representing this trap.
pub const fn as_raw(&self) -> NonZeroU8 {
/// Creates a trap code from its raw byte, likely returned by
/// [`TrapCode::as_raw`] previously.
pub const fn from_raw(byte: NonZeroU8) -> TrapCode {
/// Returns a slice of all traps except `TrapCode::User` traps
pub const fn non_user_traps() -> &'static [TrapCode] {
impl Display for TrapCode {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let identifier = match *self {
Self::STACK_OVERFLOW => "stk_ovf",
Self::HEAP_OUT_OF_BOUNDS => "heap_oob",
Self::INTEGER_OVERFLOW => "int_ovf",
Self::INTEGER_DIVISION_BY_ZERO => "int_divz",
Self::BAD_CONVERSION_TO_INTEGER => "bad_toint",
TrapCode(x) => return write!(f, "user{x}"),
impl FromStr for TrapCode {
type Err = ();
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match s {
"stk_ovf" => Ok(Self::STACK_OVERFLOW),
"heap_oob" => Ok(Self::HEAP_OUT_OF_BOUNDS),
"int_ovf" => Ok(Self::INTEGER_OVERFLOW),
"int_divz" => Ok(Self::INTEGER_DIVISION_BY_ZERO),
"bad_toint" => Ok(Self::BAD_CONVERSION_TO_INTEGER),
_ if s.starts_with("user") => {
let num = s[4..].parse().map_err(|_| ())?;
_ => Err(()),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use alloc::string::ToString;
fn display() {
for r in TrapCode::non_user_traps() {
let tc = *r;
assert_eq!(tc.to_string().parse(), Ok(tc));
assert_eq!("bogus".parse::<TrapCode>(), Err(()));
assert_eq!(TrapCode::unwrap_user(17).to_string(), "user17");
assert_eq!("user22".parse(), Ok(TrapCode::unwrap_user(22)));
assert_eq!("user".parse::<TrapCode>(), Err(()));
assert_eq!("user-1".parse::<TrapCode>(), Err(()));
assert_eq!("users".parse::<TrapCode>(), Err(()));