//! Reusable functionality related to [wasmCloud hosts][docs-wasmcloud-hosts]
//! [docs-wasmcloud-hosts]: <https://wasmcloud.com/docs/concepts/hosts>
use std::collections::HashMap;
use secrecy::zeroize::{Zeroize, ZeroizeOnDrop};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::link::InterfaceLinkDefinition;
use crate::logging::Level;
use crate::otel::OtelConfig;
use crate::secrets::SecretValue;
use crate::wit::{deserialize_wit_map, serialize_wit_map, WitMap};
/// Environment settings for initializing a capability provider
pub type HostEnvValues = WitMap<String>;
/// initialization data for a capability provider
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct HostData {
pub host_id: String,
pub lattice_rpc_prefix: String,
pub link_name: String,
pub lattice_rpc_user_jwt: String,
pub lattice_rpc_user_seed: String,
pub lattice_rpc_url: String,
pub provider_key: String,
serialize_with = "serialize_wit_map",
deserialize_with = "deserialize_wit_map"
pub env_values: HostEnvValues,
pub instance_id: String,
/// initial list of links for provider
pub link_definitions: Vec<InterfaceLinkDefinition>,
/// list of cluster issuers.
pub cluster_issuers: Vec<String>,
/// Merged named configuration set for this provider at runtime
pub config: HashMap<String, String>,
/// Secrets given to this provider at runtime
pub secrets: HashMap<String, SecretValue>,
/// The public key xkey of the host, used for decrypting secrets
pub host_xkey_public_key: String,
/// The private key xkey of the provider, used for decrypting secrets
pub provider_xkey_private_key: String,
/// Host-wide default RPC timeout for rpc messages, in milliseconds. Defaults to 2000.
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub default_rpc_timeout_ms: Option<u64>,
/// True if structured logging is enabled for the host. Providers should use the same setting as the host.
pub structured_logging: bool,
/// The log level providers should log at
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub log_level: Option<Level>,
pub otel_config: OtelConfig,
// Trait implementations that ensure we zeroize the memory of secrets when they are dropped
impl ZeroizeOnDrop for HostData {}
impl Zeroize for HostData {
fn zeroize(&mut self) {