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//! Module with structs for use in managing and accessing config used by various wasmCloud entities
use std::{collections::HashMap, fmt::Debug, sync::Arc};
use anyhow::{bail, Context};
use async_nats::jetstream::kv::{Operation, Store};
use futures::{future::AbortHandle, stream::Abortable, TryStreamExt};
use tokio::sync::{
watch::{self, Receiver, Sender},
RwLock, RwLockReadGuard,
use tracing::{error, warn, Instrument};
type LockedConfig = Arc<RwLock<HashMap<String, String>>>;
/// A cache of named config mapped to an existing receiver
type WatchCache = Arc<RwLock<HashMap<String, Receiver<HashMap<String, String>>>>>;
/// A struct used for mapping a config name to a receiver for logging/tracing purposes
struct ConfigReceiver {
pub name: String,
pub receiver: Receiver<HashMap<String, String>>,
/// Helper struct that aborts on drop so we don't abort them when something is cloned in an arc. It
/// will only abort after the last arc has been dropped.
struct AbortHandles {
handles: Vec<AbortHandle>,
impl Drop for AbortHandles {
fn drop(&mut self) {
for handle in &self.handles {
/// A merged bundle of configuration for use with components that watches for updates to all named
/// configs specified.
/// There are two main ways to get config from this struct:
/// 1. You can call [`get_config`](ConfigBundle::get_config) which will return a reference to the
/// merged config. This is mainly for use in components, which will fetch needed config on demand
/// 2. You can call [`changed`](ConfigBundle::changed) which will return a reference to the merged
/// config. This is for use in situations where you want to be notified when a config changes,
/// such as for a provider that needs to be notified when a config changes
pub struct ConfigBundle {
/// A live view of the configuration that is being managed/updated by this bundle
merged_config: LockedConfig,
/// Names of named config that contribute to this bundle
config_names: Vec<String>,
/// A receiver that fires when changes are made to the bundle
changed_receiver: Receiver<()>,
/// Abort handles to the tasks that are watching for updates
/// These are `drop()`ed when the bundle is dropped
_handles: Arc<AbortHandles>,
/// The sender that is used to notify the receiver that the config has changed, this
/// must not be dropped until the receiver is dropped so we ensure it's kept alive
_changed_notifier: Arc<Sender<()>>,
impl Clone for ConfigBundle {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
// Cloning marks the value in the new receiver as seen, so we mark it as unseen, even if it
// was already viewed before cloning. This ensures that the newly cloned bundle will return
// the current config rather than needing to wait for a change.
let mut changed_receiver = self.changed_receiver.clone();
ConfigBundle {
merged_config: self.merged_config.clone(),
config_names: self.config_names.clone(),
_changed_notifier: self._changed_notifier.clone(),
_handles: self._handles.clone(),
impl Debug for ConfigBundle {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("merged_config", &self.merged_config)
impl ConfigBundle {
/// Create a new config bundle.
/// It takes an ordered list of receivers that should match the
/// order of config given by the user.
/// This is only called internally.
async fn new(receivers: Vec<ConfigReceiver>) -> Self {
// Generate the initial abort handles so we can construct the bundle
let (abort_handles, mut registrations): (Vec<_>, Vec<_>) =
// Now that we've set initial config, create the bundle and update the merged config with the latest values
let (changed_notifier, changed_receiver) = watch::channel(());
let changed_notifier = Arc::new(changed_notifier);
let mut bundle = ConfigBundle {
merged_config: Arc::default(),
config_names: receivers.iter().map(|r| r.name.clone()).collect(),
_changed_notifier: changed_notifier.clone(),
_handles: Arc::new(AbortHandles {
handles: abort_handles,
let ordered_configs: Arc<Vec<Receiver<HashMap<String, String>>>> =
Arc::new(receivers.iter().map(|r| r.receiver.clone()).collect());
update_merge(&bundle.merged_config, &changed_notifier, &ordered_configs).await;
// Move all the receivers into spawned tasks to update the config
for ConfigReceiver { name, mut receiver } in receivers {
// SAFETY: We know we have the right amount of registrations because we just created
// them using the len above
let reg = registrations
.expect("missing registration, this is developer error");
let cloned_name = name.clone();
let ordered_receivers = ordered_configs.clone();
let merged_config = bundle.merged_config.clone();
let notifier = changed_notifier.clone();
async move {
loop {
match receiver.changed().await {
Ok(()) => {
update_merge(&merged_config, ¬ifier, &ordered_receivers)
Err(e) => {
warn!(error = %e, %name, "config sender dropped, updates will not be delivered");
.instrument(tracing::trace_span!("config_update", name = %cloned_name)),
// More likely than not, there will be a new value in the watch channel because we always
// read the latest value from the store before putting it here. But just in case, this
// ensures that the newly create bundle will return the current config rather than needing
// to wait for a change.
/// Returns a reference to the merged config behind a lock guard. This guard must be dropped
/// when you are no longer consuming the config
pub async fn get_config(&self) -> RwLockReadGuard<'_, HashMap<String, String>> {
/// Waits for the config to change and returns a reference to the merged config behind a lock
/// guard. This guard must be dropped when you are no longer consuming the config.
/// Please note that this requires a mutable borrow in order to manage underlying notification
/// acknowledgement.
pub async fn changed(
&mut self,
) -> anyhow::Result<RwLockReadGuard<'_, HashMap<String, String>>> {
// NOTE(thomastaylor312): We use a watch channel here because we want everything to get
// notified individually (including clones) if config changes. Notify doesn't quite work
// because we have to have a permit existing when we create otherwise the notify_watchers
// won't actually get picked up (that only happens with notify_one).
if let Err(e) = self.changed_receiver.changed().await {
// If we get here, it likely means that a whole bunch of stuff has failed above it.
// Might be worth changing this to a panic
error!(error = %e, "Config changed receiver errored, this means that the config sender has dropped and the whole bundle has failed");
bail!("failed to read receiver: {e}");
/// Returns a reference to the ordered list of config names handled by this bundle
pub fn config_names(&self) -> &Vec<String> {
/// A struct used for generating a config bundle given a list of named configs
pub struct BundleGenerator {
store: Store,
watch_cache: WatchCache,
watch_handles: Arc<RwLock<AbortHandles>>,
impl BundleGenerator {
/// Create a new bundle generator
pub fn new(store: Store) -> Self {
Self {
watch_cache: Arc::default(),
watch_handles: Arc::default(),
/// Generate a new config bundle. Will return an error if any of the configs do not exist or if
/// there was an error fetching the initial config
pub async fn generate(&self, config_names: Vec<String>) -> anyhow::Result<ConfigBundle> {
let receivers: Vec<ConfigReceiver> =
futures::future::join_all(config_names.into_iter().map(|name| self.get_receiver(name)))
async fn get_receiver(&self, name: String) -> anyhow::Result<ConfigReceiver> {
// First check the cache to see if we already have a receiver for this config
if let Some(receiver) = self.watch_cache.read().await.get(&name) {
return Ok(ConfigReceiver {
receiver: receiver.clone(),
// We need to actually try and fetch the config here. If we don't do this, then a watch will
// just blindly watch even if the key doesn't exist. We should return an error if the config
// doesn't exist or has data issues. It also allows us to set the initial value
let config: HashMap<String, String> = match self.store.get(&name).await {
Ok(Some(data)) => serde_json::from_slice(&data)
.context("Data corruption error, unable to decode data from store")?,
Ok(None) => return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Config {} does not exist", name)),
Err(e) => return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Error fetching config {}: {}", name, e)),
// Otherwise we need to setup the watcher. We start by setting up the watch so we don't miss
// any events after we query the initial config
let (tx, rx) = watch::channel(config);
let (done, wait) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel();
let (handle, reg) = AbortHandle::new_pair();
watcher_loop(self.store.clone(), name.clone(), tx, done),
.context("Error waiting for watcher to start")?
.context("Error waiting for watcher to start")?;
// NOTE(thomastaylor312): We should probably find a way to clear out this cache. The Sender
// part of the channel can tell you how many receivers it has, but we pass that along to the
// watcher, so there would need to be more work to expose that, probably via a struct. We
// could also do something with a resource counter and track that way with a cleanup task.
// But for now going the easy route as we already cache everything anyway
.insert(name.clone(), rx.clone());
Ok(ConfigReceiver { name, receiver: rx })
async fn watcher_loop(
store: Store,
name: String,
tx: watch::Sender<HashMap<String, String>>,
done: tokio::sync::oneshot::Sender<anyhow::Result<()>>,
) {
// We need to watch with history so we can get the initial config.
let mut watcher = match store.watch(&name).await {
Ok(watcher) => {
"Receiver for watcher setup should not have been dropped. This is programmer error",
Err(e) => {
"Error setting up watcher for {}: {}",
"Receiver for watcher setup should not have been dropped. This is programmer error",
loop {
match watcher.try_next().await {
Ok(Some(entry)) if matches!(entry.operation, Operation::Delete | Operation::Purge) => {
// NOTE(thomastaylor312): We should probably do something and notify something up
// the chain if we get a delete or purge event of a config that is still being used.
// For now we just zero it out
Ok(Some(entry)) => {
let config: HashMap<String, String> = match serde_json::from_slice(&entry.value) {
Ok(config) => config,
Err(e) => {
error!(%name, error = %e, "Error decoding config from store during watch");
tx.send_if_modified(|current| {
if current == &config {
} else {
*current = config;
Ok(None) => {
error!(%name, "Watcher for config has closed");
Err(e) => {
error!(%name, error = %e, "Error reading from watcher for config. Will wait for next entry");
async fn update_merge(
merged_config: &RwLock<HashMap<String, String>>,
changed_notifier: &Sender<()>,
ordered_receivers: &[Receiver<HashMap<String, String>>],
) {
// We get a write lock to start so nothing else can update the merged config while we merge
// in the other configs (e.g. when one of the ordered configs is write locked)
let mut hashmap = merged_config.write().await;
// NOTE(thomastaylor312): There is a possible optimization here where we could just create a
// temporary hashmap of borrowed strings and then after extending everything we could
// into_iter it and clone it into the final hashmap. This would avoid extra allocations at
// the cost of a few more iterations
for recv in ordered_receivers {
// Send a notification that the config has changed
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::sync::watch;
async fn test_config_bundle() {
let (foo_tx, foo_rx) =
watch::channel(HashMap::from([("foo".to_string(), "bar".to_string())]));
let (bar_tx, bar_rx) = watch::channel(HashMap::new());
let (baz_tx, baz_rx) = watch::channel(HashMap::new());
let mut bundle = ConfigBundle::new(vec![
ConfigReceiver {
name: "foo".to_string(),
receiver: foo_rx,
ConfigReceiver {
name: "bar".to_string(),
receiver: bar_rx,
ConfigReceiver {
name: "baz".to_string(),
receiver: baz_rx,
// We should be able to get the initial config before sending anything
HashMap::from([("foo".to_string(), "bar".to_string())])
// Should also be able to get a value from the changed method immediately
let _ = tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_millis(50), bundle.changed())
.expect("Should have received a config");
// Update the bar config to overwrite the foo config
bar_tx.send_replace(HashMap::from([("foo".to_string(), "baz".to_string())]));
// Wait for the new config to come. This calls the same underlying method as get_config
let conf = tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_millis(50), bundle.changed())
.expect("conf should have been present")
.expect("Should have received a config");
HashMap::from([("foo".to_string(), "baz".to_string())])
// Update the baz config with additional data
baz_tx.send_replace(HashMap::from([("star".to_string(), "wars".to_string())]));
let conf = tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_millis(50), bundle.changed())
.expect("conf should have been present")
.expect("Should have received a config");
("foo".to_string(), "baz".to_string()),
("star".to_string(), "wars".to_string())
// Update foo config with additional data
("starship".to_string(), "troopers".to_string()),
("foo".to_string(), "bar".to_string()),
let conf = tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_millis(50), bundle.changed())
.expect("conf should have been present")
.expect("Should have received a config");
// Check that the config merged correctly
("foo".to_string(), "baz".to_string()),
("star".to_string(), "wars".to_string()),
("starship".to_string(), "troopers".to_string())