//! SQL-powered database access provider implementing `wasmcloud:postgres` for connecting
//! to Postgres clusters.
//! This implementation is multi-threaded and operations between different actors
//! use different connections and can run in parallel.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::Arc;
use anyhow::{Context as _, Result};
use deadpool_postgres::Pool;
use futures::TryStreamExt as _;
use tokio::sync::RwLock;
use tokio_postgres::types::Type as PgType;
use tracing::{error, instrument, warn};
use ulid::Ulid;
use wasmcloud_provider_sdk::{
get_connection, propagate_trace_for_ctx, run_provider, LinkConfig, LinkDeleteInfo, Provider,
use wasmcloud_provider_sdk::{initialize_observability, serve_provider_exports};
mod bindings;
use bindings::{
into_result_row, PgValue, PreparedStatementExecError, PreparedStatementToken, QueryError,
ResultRow, StatementPrepareError,
mod config;
use config::{extract_prefixed_conn_config, ConnectionCreateOptions};
use wasmcloud_provider_sdk::Context;
/// A unique identifier for a created connection
type SourceId = String;
/// A query used in the process of creating a prepared statement
type PreparedStatementQuery = String;
/// Parameters determined to be used in a statement
/// This value is usually constructed after running a prepare against a given
/// client from a given pool, and saving the relevant type information.
type StatementParams = Vec<PgType>;
/// Information about a given prepared statement
type PreparedStatementInfo = (PreparedStatementQuery, StatementParams, SourceId);
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct PostgresProvider {
/// Database connections indexed by source ID name
connections: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<SourceId, Pool>>>,
/// Lookup of prepared statements to the statement and the source ID that prepared them
prepared_statements: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<PreparedStatementToken, PreparedStatementInfo>>>,
impl PostgresProvider {
fn name() -> &'static str {
/// Run [`PostgresProvider`] as a wasmCloud provider
pub async fn run() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let provider = PostgresProvider::default();
let shutdown = run_provider(provider.clone(), PostgresProvider::name())
.context("failed to run provider")?;
let connection = get_connection();
let wrpc = connection
serve_provider_exports(&wrpc, provider, shutdown, bindings::serve)
.context("failed to serve provider exports")
/// Create and store a connection pool, if not already present
async fn ensure_pool(
source_id: &str,
create_opts: ConnectionCreateOptions,
) -> Result<()> {
// Exit early if a pool with the given source ID is already present
let connections = self.connections.read().await;
if connections.get(source_id).is_some() {
return Ok(());
// Build the new connection pool
let runtime = Some(deadpool_postgres::Runtime::Tokio1);
let tls_required = create_opts.tls_required;
let cfg = deadpool_postgres::Config::from(create_opts);
let pool = if tls_required {
create_tls_pool(cfg, runtime)
} else {
cfg.create_pool(runtime, tokio_postgres::NoTls)
.context("failed to create non-TLS postgres pool")
// Save the newly created connection to the pool
let mut connections = self.connections.write().await;
connections.insert(source_id.into(), pool);
/// Perform a query
async fn do_query(
source_id: &str,
query: &str,
params: Vec<PgValue>,
) -> Result<Vec<ResultRow>, QueryError> {
let connections = self.connections.read().await;
let pool = connections.get(source_id).ok_or_else(|| {
"missing connection pool for source [{source_id}] while querying"
let client = pool.get().await.map_err(|e| {
QueryError::Unexpected(format!("failed to build client from pool: {e}"))
let rows = client
.query_raw(query, params)
.map_err(|e| QueryError::Unexpected(format!("failed to perform query: {e}")))?;
// todo(fix): once async stream support is available & in contract
// replace this with a mapped stream
.map_err(|e| QueryError::Unexpected(format!("failed to evaluate full row: {e}")))
/// Perform a raw query
async fn do_query_batch(&self, source_id: &str, query: &str) -> Result<(), QueryError> {
let connections = self.connections.read().await;
let pool = connections.get(source_id).ok_or_else(|| {
"missing connection pool for source [{source_id}] while querying"
let client = pool.get().await.map_err(|e| {
QueryError::Unexpected(format!("failed to build client from pool: {e}"))
.map_err(|e| QueryError::Unexpected(format!("failed to perform query: {e}")))?;
/// Prepare a statement
async fn do_statement_prepare(
source_id: &str,
query: &str,
) -> Result<PreparedStatementToken, StatementPrepareError> {
let connections = self.connections.read().await;
let pool = connections.get(source_id).ok_or_else(|| {
"failed to find connection pool for token [{source_id}]"
let client = pool.get().await.map_err(|e| {
StatementPrepareError::Unexpected(format!("failed to build client from pool: {e}"))
let statement = client.prepare(query).await.map_err(|e| {
StatementPrepareError::Unexpected(format!("failed to prepare query: {e}"))
let statement_token = format!("prepared-statement-{}", Ulid::new().to_string());
let mut prepared_statements = self.prepared_statements.write().await;
(query.into(), statement.params().into(), source_id.into()),
/// Execute a prepared statement, returning the number of rows affected
async fn do_statement_execute(
statement_token: &str,
params: Vec<PgValue>,
) -> Result<u64, PreparedStatementExecError> {
let statements = self.prepared_statements.read().await;
let (query, types, source_id) = statements.get(statement_token).ok_or_else(|| {
"missing prepared statement with statement ID [{statement_token}]"
let connections = self.connections.read().await;
let pool = connections.get(source_id).ok_or_else(|| {
"missing connection pool for token [{source_id}], statement ID [{statement_token}]"
let client = pool.get().await.map_err(|e| {
PreparedStatementExecError::Unexpected(format!("failed to build client from pool: {e}"))
// Since the pool is not aware of already created statements managed by tokio_postgres,
// we may have pulled a client that has not already has this statement prepared,
// so we must prepare, just in case.
let statement = client
.prepare_typed(&client, query, types)
.map_err(|e| {
"failed to prepare statement for client in pool: {e}"
let rows_affected = client.execute_raw(&statement, params).await.map_err(|e| {
"failed to execute prepared statement with token [{statement_token}]: {e}"
impl Provider for PostgresProvider {
/// Handle being linked to a source (likely a component) as a target
/// Components are expected to provide references to named configuration via link definitions
/// which contain keys named `POSTGRES_*` detailing configuration for connecting to Postgres.
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all, fields(source_id))]
async fn receive_link_config_as_target(
link_config @ LinkConfig { source_id, .. }: LinkConfig<'_>,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// Attempt to parse a configuration from the map with the prefix POSTGRES_
let Some(db_cfg) = extract_prefixed_conn_config("POSTGRES_", &link_config) else {
// If we failed to find a config on the link, then we
warn!(source_id, "no link-level DB configuration");
return Ok(());
// Create a pool if one isn't already present for this particular source
if let Err(error) = self.ensure_pool(source_id, db_cfg).await {
error!(?error, source_id, "failed to create connection");
/// Handle notification that a link is dropped
/// Generally we can release the resources (connections) associated with the source
#[instrument(level = "info", skip_all, fields(source_id = info.get_source_id()))]
async fn delete_link_as_target(&self, info: impl LinkDeleteInfo) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let source_id = info.get_source_id();
let mut prepared_statements = self.prepared_statements.write().await;
prepared_statements.retain(|_stmt_token, (_query, _statement, src_id)| src_id != source_id);
let mut connections = self.connections.write().await;
/// Handle shutdown request by closing all connections
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all)]
async fn shutdown(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let mut prepared_statements = self.prepared_statements.write().await;
let mut connections = self.connections.write().await;
/// Implement the `wasmcloud:postgres/query` interface for [`PostgresProvider`]
impl bindings::query::Handler<Option<Context>> for PostgresProvider {
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all, fields(query))]
async fn query(
ctx: Option<Context>,
query: String,
params: Vec<PgValue>,
) -> Result<Result<Vec<ResultRow>, QueryError>> {
let Some(Context {
component: Some(source_id),
}) = ctx
else {
return Ok(Err(QueryError::Unexpected(
"unexpectedly missing source ID".into(),
Ok(self.do_query(&source_id, &query, params).await)
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all, fields(query))]
async fn query_batch(
ctx: Option<Context>,
query: String,
) -> Result<Result<(), QueryError>> {
let Some(Context {
component: Some(source_id),
}) = ctx
else {
return Ok(Err(QueryError::Unexpected(
"unexpectedly missing source ID".into(),
Ok(self.do_query_batch(&source_id, &query).await)
/// Implement the `wasmcloud:postgres/prepared` interface for [`PostgresProvider`]
impl bindings::prepared::Handler<Option<Context>> for PostgresProvider {
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all, fields(query))]
async fn prepare(
ctx: Option<Context>,
query: String,
) -> Result<Result<PreparedStatementToken, StatementPrepareError>> {
let Some(Context {
component: Some(source_id),
}) = ctx
else {
return Ok(Err(StatementPrepareError::Unexpected(
"unexpectedly missing source ID".into(),
Ok(self.do_statement_prepare(&source_id, &query).await)
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip_all, fields(statement_token))]
async fn exec(
ctx: Option<Context>,
statement_token: PreparedStatementToken,
params: Vec<PgValue>,
) -> Result<Result<u64, PreparedStatementExecError>> {
Ok(self.do_statement_execute(&statement_token, params).await)
fn create_tls_pool(
cfg: deadpool_postgres::Config,
runtime: Option<deadpool_postgres::Runtime>,
) -> Result<Pool> {
let mut store = rustls::RootCertStore::empty();
.context("failed to create TLS-enabled connection pool")