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//! Module with structs for use in managing and accessing secrets in a wasmCloud lattice
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::Arc;
use anyhow::{bail, ensure, Context as _};
use async_nats::{jetstream::kv::Store, Client};
use futures::stream;
use futures::stream::{StreamExt, TryStreamExt};
use secrecy::SecretBox;
use tokio::sync::RwLock;
use tracing::instrument;
use wasmcloud_runtime::capability::secrets::store::SecretValue;
use wasmcloud_secrets_client::Client as WasmcloudSecretsClient;
use wasmcloud_secrets_types::{Secret as WasmcloudSecret, SecretConfig};
/// A manager for fetching secrets from a secret store, caching secrets clients for efficiency.
pub struct Manager {
config_store: Store,
/// The topic to use for configuring clients to fetch secrets from the secret store.
secret_store_topic: Option<String>,
nats_client: Client,
/// A map of backend names, e.g. nats-kv or vault, to secrets clients, used to cache clients for efficiency.
backend_clients: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<String, Arc<WasmcloudSecretsClient>>>>,
impl Manager {
/// Create a new secret manager with the given configuration store, secret store topic, and NATS client.
/// All secret references will be fetched from this configuration store and the actual secrets will be
/// fetched by sending requests to the configured topic. If the provided secret_store_topic is None, this manager
/// will always return an error if [`Self::fetch_secrets`] is called with a list of secrets.
pub fn new(
config_store: &Store,
secret_store_topic: Option<&String>,
nats_client: &Client,
) -> Self {
Self {
config_store: config_store.clone(),
secret_store_topic: secret_store_topic.cloned(),
nats_client: nats_client.clone(),
backend_clients: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new())),
/// Get the secrets client for the provided backend, creating a new client if one does not already exist.
/// Returns an error if the secret store topic is not configured, or if the client could not be created.
async fn get_or_create_secrets_client(
backend: &str,
) -> anyhow::Result<Arc<WasmcloudSecretsClient>> {
let Some(secret_store_topic) = self.secret_store_topic.as_ref() else {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
"secret store not configured, could not create secrets client"
// If we already have a client for this backend, return it
// NOTE(brooksmtownsend): This is block scoped to ensure we drop the read lock
let client = {
match self.backend_clients.read().await.get(backend) {
Some(existing) => return Ok(existing.clone()),
None => Arc::new(
.context("failed to create secrets client")?,
.insert(backend.to_string(), client.clone());
/// Fetches secret references from the CONFIGDATA bucket by name and then fetches the actual secrets
/// from the configured secret store. Any error returned from this function should result in a failure
/// to start a component, start a provider, or establish a link as a missing secret is a critical
/// error.
/// # Arguments
/// * `secret_names` - A list of secret names to fetch from the secret store
/// * `entity_jwt` - The JWT of the entity requesting the secrets. Must be provided unless this [`Manager`] is not
/// configured with a secret store topic.
/// * `host_jwt` - The JWT of the host requesting the secrets
/// * `application` - The name of the application the entity is a part of, if any
/// # Returns
/// A HashMap from secret name to the [`secrecy::Secret`] wrapped [`SecretValue`].
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(host_jwt))]
pub async fn fetch_secrets(
secret_names: Vec<String>,
entity_jwt: Option<&String>,
host_jwt: &str,
application: Option<&String>,
) -> anyhow::Result<HashMap<String, SecretBox<SecretValue>>> {
// If we're not fetching any secrets, return empty map successfully
if secret_names.is_empty() {
return Ok(HashMap::with_capacity(0));
// Attempting to fetch secrets without a secret store topic is always an error
"secret store not configured, could not fetch secrets"
// If we don't have an entity JWT, we can't provide its identity to the secrets backend
let entity_jwt = entity_jwt.context("entity did not have an embedded JWT, required to fetch secrets (was this entity signed during build?)")?;
let secrets = stream::iter(secret_names.into_iter())
// Fetch the secret reference from the config store
.then(|secret_name| async move {
match self.config_store.get(&secret_name).await {
Ok(Some(secret)) => serde_json::from_slice::<SecretConfig>(&secret)
.with_context(|| format!("failed to deserialize secret reference from config store, ensure {secret_name} is a secret reference and not configuration")),
Ok(None) => bail!(
"Secret config {secret_name} not found in config store, could not create secret request"
Err(e) => bail!(e),
// Retrieve the actual secret from the secrets backend
.and_then(|secret_config| async move {
let secrets_client = self
let secret_name = secret_config.name.clone();
let request = secret_config.try_into_request(entity_jwt, host_jwt, application).context("failed to create secret request")?;
.get(request, nkeys::XKey::new())
.map(|secret| (secret_name, secret))
.map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!(e))
// Build the map of secrets depending on if the secret is a string or bytes
.try_fold(HashMap::new(), |mut secrets, (secret_name, secret_result)| async move {
match secret_result {
// NOTE(brooksmtownsend): We create this map using the `secret_name` passed in on from the secret reference
// because that's the name that the component/provider will use to look up the secret.
WasmcloudSecret {
string_secret: Some(string_secret),
} => secrets.insert(
WasmcloudSecret {
binary_secret: Some(binary_secret),
} => {
WasmcloudSecret {
string_secret: None,
binary_secret: None,
} => bail!("secret {secret_name} did not contain a value"),