use core::str::FromStr;
use std::net::{
use crate::{
// parse normal IPv4 addresses as host cidr, and short forms
// with a cidr that indicates how many octets were present.
fn _parse_short_ipv4_address_as_cidr(s: &str) -> Option<Ipv4Cidr> {
let mut octets = [0u8; 4];
let mut last = 0;
for (ndx, os) in s.split('.').enumerate() {
if ndx >= 4 {
// too many octets
return None;
// abort on invalid octet
octets[ndx] = os.parse().ok()?;
last = ndx;
let bits = (last as u8 + 1) * 8;
Some(Ipv4Cidr::new(Ipv4Addr::from(octets), bits).expect("host bits are zero"))
/// Parse "short" IPv4 addresses as networks with octet-aligned length
/// * parse `"10"` as ``
/// * parse `"192.168"` as ``
/// * parse `"192.0.2"` as ``
/// * parse `"127"` as ``
/// * parse `""` as ``
/// The returned prefix length indicates how many octets were present.
/// This is very different from [`inet_addr`][`super::inet_addr`] which would
/// interpret `"192.168"` as ``!
/// This function doesn't accept normal CIDR notations, so you will probably
/// need to combine it with other functions.
pub fn parse_short_ipv4_address_as_cidr(s: &str) -> Result<Ipv4Cidr, NetworkParseError> {
match _parse_short_ipv4_address_as_cidr(s) {
Some(n) => Ok(n),
None => {
// address parser should fail here (to generate proper error result)
// (but if it works the result should actually be correct)
/// Parses normal IPv4 CIDR notations or short forms via [`parse_short_ipv4_address_as_cidr`]
pub fn parse_short_ipv4_cidr(s: &str) -> Result<Ipv4Cidr, NetworkParseError> {
super::parse_cidr_full(s, FromStr::from_str, parse_short_ipv4_address_as_cidr)
/// Parses normal IP addresses as host addresses, and short IPv4 addresses via [`parse_short_ipv4_address_as_cidr`]
/// This function doesn't accept normal CIDR notations, so you will probably
/// need to combine it with other functions.
pub fn parse_short_ip_address_as_cidr(s: &str) -> Result<IpCidr, NetworkParseError> {
match s.parse::<IpAddr>() {
Ok(a) => Ok(IpCidr::new_host(a)),
// only try short IPv4 as fallback
Err(e) => match _parse_short_ipv4_address_as_cidr(s) {
Some(n) => Ok(n.into()),
None => Err(e.into()),
/// Parses normal IP CIDR notations or short IPv4 forms via [`parse_short_ipv4_address_as_cidr`]
pub fn parse_short_ip_cidr(s: &str) -> Result<IpCidr, NetworkParseError> {
super::parse_cidr_full(s, FromStr::from_str, parse_short_ip_address_as_cidr)
/// Parses normal IP CIDR notations, `"any"` or short IPv4 forms via [`parse_short_ipv4_address_as_cidr`]
pub fn parse_short_any_ip_cidr(s: &str) -> Result<AnyIpCidr, NetworkParseError> {
super::parse_any_cidr_full(s, FromStr::from_str, parse_short_ip_address_as_cidr)
mod tests {
use super::{
use crate::{
fn test(s: &str, expect: &str) {
// check against standard parser of canonical form
let expect_v4 = expect.parse::<Ipv4Cidr>().unwrap();
let expect = expect.parse::<IpCidr>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(parse_short_ipv4_cidr(s).unwrap(), expect_v4);
assert_eq!(parse_short_ip_cidr(s).unwrap(), expect);
fn invalid_short() {
fn short_10() {
test("", "");
test("10", "");
test("", "");
test("10.42", "");
test("", "");
test("10.0.42", "");
test("", "");
test("", "");
fn short_192_168() {
test("", "");
test("192.168", "");
test("", "");
test("192.168.42", "");
test("", "");
test("", "");
fn short_192_0_2() {
test("", "");
test("192.0.2", "");
test("", "");
test("", "");