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//! Trace exporters
use crate::error::OTelSdkResult;
use crate::Resource;
use futures_util::future::BoxFuture;
use opentelemetry::trace::{SpanContext, SpanId, SpanKind, Status};
use opentelemetry::{InstrumentationScope, KeyValue};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::time::SystemTime;
/// `SpanExporter` defines the interface that protocol-specific exporters must
/// implement so that they can be plugged into OpenTelemetry SDK and support
/// sending of telemetry data.
/// The goal of the interface is to minimize burden of implementation for
/// protocol-dependent telemetry exporters. The protocol exporter is expected to
/// be primarily a simple telemetry data encoder and transmitter.
pub trait SpanExporter: Send + Sync + Debug {
/// Exports a batch of readable spans. Protocol exporters that will
/// implement this function are typically expected to serialize and transmit
/// the data to the destination.
/// This function will never be called concurrently for the same exporter
/// instance. It can be called again only after the current call returns.
/// This function must not block indefinitely, there must be a reasonable
/// upper limit after which the call must time out with an error result.
/// Any retry logic that is required by the exporter is the responsibility
/// of the exporter.
fn export(&mut self, batch: Vec<SpanData>) -> BoxFuture<'static, OTelSdkResult>;
/// Shuts down the exporter. Called when SDK is shut down. This is an
/// opportunity for exporter to do any cleanup required.
/// This function should be called only once for each `SpanExporter`
/// instance. After the call to `shutdown`, subsequent calls to `export` are
/// not allowed and should return an error.
/// This function should not block indefinitely (e.g. if it attempts to
/// flush the data and the destination is unavailable). SDK authors
/// can decide if they want to make the shutdown timeout
/// configurable.
fn shutdown(&mut self) -> OTelSdkResult {
/// This is a hint to ensure that the export of any Spans the exporter
/// has received prior to the call to this function SHOULD be completed
/// as soon as possible, preferably before returning from this method.
/// This function SHOULD provide a way to let the caller know
/// whether it succeeded, failed or timed out.
/// This function SHOULD only be called in cases where it is absolutely necessary,
/// such as when using some FaaS providers that may suspend the process after
/// an invocation, but before the exporter exports the completed spans.
/// This function SHOULD complete or abort within some timeout. This function can be
/// implemented as a blocking API or an asynchronous API which notifies the caller via
/// a callback or an event. OpenTelemetry client authors can decide if they want to
/// make the flush timeout configurable.
fn force_flush(&mut self) -> OTelSdkResult {
/// Set the resource for the exporter.
fn set_resource(&mut self, _resource: &Resource) {}
/// `SpanData` contains all the information collected by a `Span` and can be used
/// by exporters as a standard input.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct SpanData {
/// Exportable `SpanContext`
pub span_context: SpanContext,
/// Span parent id
pub parent_span_id: SpanId,
/// Span kind
pub span_kind: SpanKind,
/// Span name
pub name: Cow<'static, str>,
/// Span start time
pub start_time: SystemTime,
/// Span end time
pub end_time: SystemTime,
/// Span attributes
pub attributes: Vec<KeyValue>,
/// The number of attributes that were above the configured limit, and thus
/// dropped.
pub dropped_attributes_count: u32,
/// Span events
pub events: crate::trace::SpanEvents,
/// Span Links
pub links: crate::trace::SpanLinks,
/// Span status
pub status: Status,
/// Instrumentation scope that produced this span
pub instrumentation_scope: InstrumentationScope,