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pub mod logging;
pub mod nats;
pub mod tls;
pub mod host;
pub use host::*;
pub mod link;
pub use link::*;
pub mod otel;
pub use otel::*;
#[cfg(feature = "oci")]
pub mod oci;
#[cfg(feature = "oci")]
pub use oci::*;
pub mod par;
pub use par::*;
pub mod registry;
pub use registry::*;
pub mod rpc;
pub use rpc::*;
pub mod secrets;
pub mod wit;
pub use wit::*;
#[cfg(feature = "http")]
pub mod http;
#[cfg(feature = "messaging")]
pub mod messaging;
/// The 1.0 version of the wasmCloud control API, used in topic strings for the control API
pub const CTL_API_VERSION_1: &str = "v1";
/// Identifier of one or more entities on the lattice used for addressing. May take many forms, such as:
/// - component public key
/// - provider public key
/// - opaque string
pub type LatticeTarget = String;
/// Identifier of a component which sends invocations on the lattice
pub type ComponentId = String;
/// Name of a link on the wasmCloud lattice
pub type LinkName = String;
/// Public key (nkey) of a cluster issuer
pub type ClusterIssuerKey = String;
/// WIT package for a given operation (ex. `keyvalue` in `wasi:keyvalue/readwrite.get`)
pub type WitPackage = String;
/// WIT namespace for a given operation (ex. `wasi` in `wasi:keyvalue/readwrite.get`)
pub type WitNamespace = String;
/// WIT interface for a given operation (ex. `readwrite` in `wasi:keyvalue/readwrite.get`)
pub type WitInterface = String;
/// A WIT function (ex. `get` in `wasi:keyvalue/readwrite.get`)
pub type WitFunction = String;
/// The name of a known (possibly pre-created) configuration, normally used when creating
/// new interface links in order to configure one or both source/target
pub type KnownConfigName = String;
/// Trait describing types/entities that can be health-checked
pub trait HealthCheck {
// This might not work with codegen and we'll have to impl
fn health_request(&self) -> HealthCheckResponse;