use crate::compile::HashedEngineCompileEnv;
#[cfg(feature = "component-model")]
use crate::component::Component;
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::runtime::vm::MmapVec;
use crate::{CodeBuilder, CodeMemory, Engine, Module};
use object::write::WritableBuffer;
use std::sync::Arc;
use wasmtime_environ::{FinishedObject, ObjectBuilder, ObjectKind};
impl<'a> CodeBuilder<'a> {
fn compile_cached<T>(
build_artifacts: fn(&Engine, &[u8], Option<&[u8]>) -> Result<(MmapVecWrapper, Option<T>)>,
) -> Result<(Arc<CodeMemory>, Option<T>)> {
let wasm = self.get_wasm()?;
let dwarf_package = self.get_dwarf_package();
.context("compilation settings are not compatible with the native host")?;
#[cfg(feature = "cache")]
let state = (
// Don't hash this as it's just its own "pure" function pointer.
let (code, info_and_types) =
wasmtime_cache::ModuleCacheEntry::new("wasmtime", self.engine.cache_config())
// Cache miss, compute the actual artifacts
|(engine, wasm, dwarf_package, build_artifacts)| -> Result<_> {
let (mmap, info) =
(build_artifacts.0)(engine.0, wasm, dwarf_package.as_deref())?;
let code = publish_mmap(mmap.0)?;
Ok((code, info))
// Implementation of how to serialize artifacts
|(_engine, _wasm, _, _), (code, _info_and_types)| {
// Cache hit, deserialize the provided artifacts
|(engine, wasm, _, _), serialized_bytes| {
let kind = if wasmparser::Parser::is_component(&wasm) {
} else {
let code = engine.0.load_code_bytes(&serialized_bytes, kind).ok()?;
Some((code, None))
return Ok((code, info_and_types));
#[cfg(not(feature = "cache"))]
let (mmap, info_and_types) =
build_artifacts(self.engine, &wasm, dwarf_package.as_deref())?;
let code = publish_mmap(mmap.0)?;
return Ok((code, info_and_types));
struct NotHashed<T>(T);
impl<T> std::hash::Hash for NotHashed<T> {
fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, _hasher: &mut H) {}
/// Same as [`CodeBuilder::compile_module_serialized`] except that a
/// [`Module`](crate::Module) is produced instead.
/// Note that this method will cache compilations if the `cache` feature is
/// enabled and turned on in [`Config`](crate::Config).
pub fn compile_module(&self) -> Result<Module> {
let (code, info_and_types) = self.compile_cached(super::build_artifacts)?;
Module::from_parts(self.engine, code, info_and_types)
/// Same as [`CodeBuilder::compile_module`] except that it compiles a
/// [`Component`] instead of a module.
#[cfg(feature = "component-model")]
pub fn compile_component(&self) -> Result<Component> {
let (code, artifacts) = self.compile_cached(super::build_component_artifacts)?;
Component::from_parts(self.engine, code, artifacts)
fn publish_mmap(mmap: MmapVec) -> Result<Arc<CodeMemory>> {
let mut code = CodeMemory::new(mmap)?;
pub(crate) struct MmapVecWrapper(pub MmapVec);
impl FinishedObject for MmapVecWrapper {
fn finish_object(obj: ObjectBuilder<'_>) -> Result<Self> {
let mut result = ObjectMmap::default();
return match obj.finish(&mut result) {
Ok(()) => {
assert!(result.mmap.is_some(), "no reserve");
let mmap = result.mmap.expect("reserve not called");
assert_eq!(mmap.len(), result.len);
Err(e) => match result.err.take() {
Some(original) => Err(original.context(e)),
None => Err(e.into()),
/// Helper struct to implement the `WritableBuffer` trait from the `object`
/// crate.
/// This enables writing an object directly into an mmap'd memory so it's
/// immediately usable for execution after compilation. This implementation
/// relies on a call to `reserve` happening once up front with all the needed
/// data, and the mmap internally does not attempt to grow afterwards.
struct ObjectMmap {
mmap: Option<MmapVec>,
len: usize,
err: Option<Error>,
impl WritableBuffer for ObjectMmap {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
fn reserve(&mut self, additional: usize) -> Result<(), ()> {
assert!(self.mmap.is_none(), "cannot reserve twice");
self.mmap = match MmapVec::with_capacity(additional) {
Ok(mmap) => Some(mmap),
Err(e) => {
self.err = Some(e);
return Err(());
fn resize(&mut self, new_len: usize) {
// Resizing always appends 0 bytes and since new mmaps start out as 0
// bytes we don't actually need to do anything as part of this other
// than update our own length.
if new_len <= self.len {
self.len = new_len;
fn write_bytes(&mut self, val: &[u8]) {
let mmap = self.mmap.as_mut().expect("write before reserve");
self.len += val.len();