//! Common configuration settings for both the NATS messaging provider and the builtin messaging
//! provider for the host. This module requires the `messaging` feature to be enabled
use std::collections::HashMap;
use anyhow::{bail, Context as _, Result};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
pub const DEFAULT_NATS_URI: &str = "";
pub const CONFIG_NATS_SUBSCRIPTION: &str = "subscriptions";
pub const CONFIG_NATS_CONSUMERS: &str = "consumers";
pub const CONFIG_NATS_URI: &str = "cluster_uris";
pub const CONFIG_NATS_CLIENT_JWT: &str = "client_jwt";
pub const CONFIG_NATS_CLIENT_SEED: &str = "client_seed";
pub const CONFIG_NATS_TLS_CA: &str = "tls_ca";
pub const CONFIG_NATS_CUSTOM_INBOX_PREFIX: &str = "custom_inbox_prefix";
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct ConsumerConfig {
pub stream: Box<str>,
pub consumer: Box<str>,
pub max_messages: Option<usize>,
pub max_bytes: Option<usize>,
/// Configuration for connecting a nats client.
/// More options are available if you use the json than variables in the values string map.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)]
pub struct ConnectionConfig {
/// List of topics to subscribe to
pub subscriptions: Box<[async_nats::Subject]>,
/// List of JetStream consumers
pub consumers: Box<[ConsumerConfig]>,
/// Cluster(s) to make a subscription on and connect to
pub cluster_uris: Box<[Box<str>]>,
/// Auth JWT to use (if necessary)
pub auth_jwt: Option<Box<str>>,
/// Auth seed to use (if necessary)
pub auth_seed: Option<Box<str>>,
/// TLS Certificate Authority, encoded as a string
pub tls_ca: Option<Box<str>>,
/// TLS Certificate Authority, as a path on disk
pub tls_ca_file: Option<Box<str>>,
/// Ping interval in seconds
pub ping_interval_sec: Option<u16>,
/// Inbox prefix to use (by default
pub custom_inbox_prefix: Option<Box<str>>,
impl ConnectionConfig {
/// Merge a given [`ConnectionConfig`] with another, coalescing fields and overriding
/// where necessary
pub fn merge(&self, extra: &ConnectionConfig) -> ConnectionConfig {
let mut out = self.clone();
if !extra.subscriptions.is_empty() {
if !extra.consumers.is_empty() {
// If the default configuration has a URL in it, and then the link definition
// also provides a URL, the assumption is to replace/override rather than combine
// the two into a potentially incompatible set of URIs
if !extra.cluster_uris.is_empty() {
if extra.auth_jwt.is_some() {
if extra.auth_seed.is_some() {
if extra.tls_ca.is_some() {
if extra.tls_ca_file.is_some() {
if extra.ping_interval_sec.is_some() {
out.ping_interval_sec = extra.ping_interval_sec;
if extra.custom_inbox_prefix.is_some() {
impl Default for ConnectionConfig {
fn default() -> ConnectionConfig {
ConnectionConfig {
subscriptions: Box::default(),
consumers: Box::default(),
cluster_uris: Box::from([DEFAULT_NATS_URI.into()]),
auth_jwt: None,
auth_seed: None,
tls_ca: None,
tls_ca_file: None,
ping_interval_sec: None,
custom_inbox_prefix: None,
impl ConnectionConfig {
/// Construct configuration from the passed hostdata config
pub fn from_map(values: &HashMap<String, String>) -> Result<ConnectionConfig> {
let mut config = ConnectionConfig::default();
if let Some(sub) = values.get(CONFIG_NATS_SUBSCRIPTION) {
config.subscriptions = sub.split(',').map(async_nats::Subject::from).collect();
if let Some(cons) = values.get(CONFIG_NATS_CONSUMERS) {
config.consumers = serde_json::from_str(cons).context("failed to parse `consumers`")?;
if let Some(url) = values.get(CONFIG_NATS_URI) {
config.cluster_uris = url.split(',').map(Box::from).collect();
if let Some(custom_inbox_prefix) = values.get(CONFIG_NATS_CUSTOM_INBOX_PREFIX) {
config.custom_inbox_prefix = Some(custom_inbox_prefix.as_str().into());
if let Some(jwt) = values.get(CONFIG_NATS_CLIENT_JWT) {
config.auth_jwt = Some(jwt.as_str().into());
if let Some(seed) = values.get(CONFIG_NATS_CLIENT_SEED) {
config.auth_seed = Some(seed.as_str().into());
if let Some(tls_ca) = values.get(CONFIG_NATS_TLS_CA) {
config.tls_ca = Some(tls_ca.as_str().into());
if config.auth_jwt.is_some() && config.auth_seed.is_none() {
bail!("if you specify jwt, you must also specify a seed");
/// Adds the given CA cert to the provided [`async_nats::ConnectOptions`].
/// This follows the builder pattern in that it returns the same `ConnectOptions` with TLS
/// configured
pub fn add_tls_ca(
tls_ca: &str,
opts: async_nats::ConnectOptions,
) -> anyhow::Result<async_nats::ConnectOptions> {
let ca = rustls_pemfile::read_one(&mut tls_ca.as_bytes()).context("failed to read CA")?;
let mut roots = async_nats::rustls::RootCertStore::empty();
if let Some(rustls_pemfile::Item::X509Certificate(ca)) = ca {
} else {
bail!("tls ca: invalid certificate type, must be a DER encoded PEM file")
let tls_client = async_nats::rustls::ClientConfig::builder()