//! SDK Configuration
//! Configuration represents the global tracing configuration, overrides
//! can be set for the default OpenTelemetry limits and Sampler.
use crate::trace::{span_limit::SpanLimits, IdGenerator, RandomIdGenerator, Sampler, ShouldSample};
use crate::Resource;
use opentelemetry::otel_warn;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::env;
use std::str::FromStr;
/// Default trace configuration
#[deprecated(since = "0.23.0", note = "Use Config::default() instead")]
pub fn config() -> Config {
/// Tracer configuration
pub struct Config {
/// The sampler that the sdk should use
pub sampler: Box<dyn ShouldSample>,
/// The id generator that the sdk should use
pub id_generator: Box<dyn IdGenerator>,
/// span limits
pub span_limits: SpanLimits,
/// Contains attributes representing an entity that produces telemetry.
pub resource: Cow<'static, Resource>,
impl Config {
/// Specify the sampler to be used.
since = "0.27.1",
note = "Config is becoming private. Please use Builder::with_sampler(...) instead."
pub fn with_sampler<T: crate::trace::ShouldSample + 'static>(mut self, sampler: T) -> Self {
self.sampler = Box::new(sampler);
/// Specify the id generator to be used.
since = "0.27.1",
note = "Config is becoming private. Please use Builder::with_id_generator(...) instead."
pub fn with_id_generator<T: IdGenerator + 'static>(mut self, id_generator: T) -> Self {
self.id_generator = Box::new(id_generator);
/// Specify the maximum number of events that can be recorded per span.
since = "0.27.1",
note = "Config is becoming private. Please use Builder::with_max_events_per_span(...) instead."
pub fn with_max_events_per_span(mut self, max_events: u32) -> Self {
self.span_limits.max_events_per_span = max_events;
/// Specify the maximum number of attributes that can be recorded per span.
since = "0.27.1",
note = "Config is becoming private. Please use Builder::with_max_attributes_per_span(...) instead."
pub fn with_max_attributes_per_span(mut self, max_attributes: u32) -> Self {
self.span_limits.max_attributes_per_span = max_attributes;
/// Specify the maximum number of links that can be recorded per span.
since = "0.27.1",
note = "Config is becoming private. Please use Builder::with_max_links_per_span(...) instead."
pub fn with_max_links_per_span(mut self, max_links: u32) -> Self {
self.span_limits.max_links_per_span = max_links;
/// Specify the maximum number of attributes one event can have.
since = "0.27.1",
note = "Config is becoming private. Please use Builder::with_max_attributes_per_event(...) instead."
pub fn with_max_attributes_per_event(mut self, max_attributes: u32) -> Self {
self.span_limits.max_attributes_per_event = max_attributes;
/// Specify the maximum number of attributes one link can have.
since = "0.27.1",
note = "Config is becoming private. Please use Builder::with_max_attributes_per_link(...) instead."
pub fn with_max_attributes_per_link(mut self, max_attributes: u32) -> Self {
self.span_limits.max_attributes_per_link = max_attributes;
/// Specify all limit via the span_limits
since = "0.27.1",
note = "Config is becoming private. Please use Builder::with_span_limits(...) instead."
pub fn with_span_limits(mut self, span_limits: SpanLimits) -> Self {
self.span_limits = span_limits;
/// Specify the attributes representing the entity that produces telemetry
since = "0.27.1",
note = "Config is becoming private. Please use Builder::with_resource(...) instead."
pub fn with_resource(mut self, resource: Resource) -> Self {
self.resource = Cow::Owned(resource);
impl Default for Config {
/// Create default global sdk configuration.
fn default() -> Self {
let mut config = Config {
sampler: Box::new(Sampler::ParentBased(Box::new(Sampler::AlwaysOn))),
id_generator: Box::<RandomIdGenerator>::default(),
span_limits: SpanLimits::default(),
resource: Cow::Owned(Resource::builder().build()),
if let Some(max_attributes_per_span) = env::var("OTEL_SPAN_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT_LIMIT")
.and_then(|count_limit| u32::from_str(&count_limit).ok())
config.span_limits.max_attributes_per_span = max_attributes_per_span;
if let Some(max_events_per_span) = env::var("OTEL_SPAN_EVENT_COUNT_LIMIT")
.and_then(|max_events| u32::from_str(&max_events).ok())
config.span_limits.max_events_per_span = max_events_per_span;
if let Some(max_links_per_span) = env::var("OTEL_SPAN_LINK_COUNT_LIMIT")
.and_then(|max_links| u32::from_str(&max_links).ok())
config.span_limits.max_links_per_span = max_links_per_span;
let sampler_arg = env::var("OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_ARG").ok();
if let Ok(sampler) = env::var("OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER") {
config.sampler = match sampler.as_str() {
"always_on" => Box::new(Sampler::AlwaysOn),
"always_off" => Box::new(Sampler::AlwaysOff),
"traceidratio" => {
let ratio = sampler_arg.as_ref().and_then(|r| r.parse::<f64>().ok());
if let Some(r) = ratio {
} else {
name: "TracerProvider.Config.InvalidSamplerArgument",
message = "OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER is set to 'traceidratio' but OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_ARG environment variable is missing or invalid. OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_ARG must be a valid float between 0.0 and 1.0 representing the desired sampling probability (0.0 = no traces sampled, 1.0 = all traces sampled, 0.5 = 50% of traces sampled). Falling back to default ratio: 1.0 (100% sampling)",
otel_traces_sampler_arg = format!("{:?}", sampler_arg)
"parentbased_always_on" => {
"parentbased_always_off" => {
"parentbased_traceidratio" => {
let ratio = sampler_arg.as_ref().and_then(|r| r.parse::<f64>().ok());
if let Some(r) = ratio {
} else {
name: "TracerProvider.Config.InvalidSamplerArgument",
message = "OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER is set to 'parentbased_traceidratio' but OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_ARG environment variable is missing or invalid. OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_ARG must be a valid float between 0.0 and 1.0 representing the desired sampling probability (0.0 = no traces sampled, 1.0 = all traces sampled, 0.5 = 50% of traces sampled). Falling back to default ratio: 1.0 (100% sampling)",
otel_traces_sampler_arg = format!("{:?}", sampler_arg)
"parentbased_jaeger_remote" => {
name: "TracerProvider.Config.UnsupportedSampler",
message = "OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER is set to 'parentbased_jaeger_remote' which is not implemented in this SDK version. Using fallback sampler: ParentBased(AlwaysOn). Configure an alternative sampler using OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER"
"jaeger_remote" => {
name: "TracerProvider.Config.UnsupportedSampler",
message = "OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER is set to 'jaeger_remote' which is implemented in this SDK version. Using fallback sampler: ParentBased(AlwaysOn). Configure an alternative sampler using OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER"
"xray" => {
name: "TracerProvider.Config.UnsupportedSampler",
message = "OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER is set to 'xray'. AWS X-Ray sampler is not implemented in this SDK version. Using fallback sampler: ParentBased(AlwaysOn). Configure an alternative sampler using OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER"
s => {
name: "TracerProvider.Config.InvalidSamplerType",
message = format!(
"Unrecognized sampler type '{}' in OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER environment variable. Valid values are: always_on, always_off, traceidratio, parentbased_always_on, parentbased_always_off, parentbased_traceidratio. Using fallback sampler: ParentBased(AlwaysOn)",