//! Helpers for creating a NATS client without exposing the NATS client in the API
use std::path::PathBuf;
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use async_nats::{Client, ConnectOptions};
const DEFAULT_NATS_ADDR: &str = "nats://";
/// Creates a NATS client from the given options
pub async fn get_client(
url: Option<String>,
seed: Option<String>,
jwt: Option<String>,
creds_path: Option<PathBuf>,
ca_path: Option<PathBuf>,
) -> Result<Client> {
let mut opts = ConnectOptions::new();
opts = match (seed, jwt, creds_path) {
(Some(seed), Some(jwt), None) => {
let jwt = resolve_jwt(jwt).await?;
let kp = std::sync::Arc::new(get_seed(seed).await?);
opts.jwt(jwt, move |nonce| {
let key_pair = kp.clone();
async move { key_pair.sign(&nonce).map_err(async_nats::AuthError::new) }
(None, None, Some(creds)) => opts.credentials_file(creds).await?,
(None, None, None) => opts,
_ => {
// We shouldn't ever get here due to the requirements on the flags, but return a helpful error just in case
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!(
"Got incorrect combination of connection options. Should either have nothing set, a seed, a jwt, or a credentials file"
if let Some(ca) = ca_path {
opts = opts.add_root_certificates(ca).require_tls(true);
opts.connect(url.unwrap_or_else(|| DEFAULT_NATS_ADDR.to_string()))
/// Takes a string that could be a raw seed, or a path and does all the necessary loading and parsing steps
async fn get_seed(seed: String) -> Result<nkeys::KeyPair> {
// MAGIC NUMBER: Length of a seed key
let raw_seed = if seed.len() == 58 && seed.starts_with('S') {
} else {
.context("Unable to read seed file")?
/// Resolves a JWT value by either returning the string itself if it's a valid JWT
/// or by loading the contents of a file specified by the JWT value.
async fn resolve_jwt(jwt_or_file: String) -> Result<String> {
if tokio::fs::metadata(&jwt_or_file)
.map(|metadata| metadata.is_file())
.map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!("Error loading JWT from file: {e}"))
} else {
// We could do more validation on the JWT here, but if the JWT is invalid then
// connecting will fail anyways