//! Various helpers and traits for loading and parsing manifests
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use wadm_types::Manifest;
use crate::{error::ClientError, Result};
/// A trait for loading a [`Manifest`] from a variety of sources. This is also used as a convenience
/// trait in the client for easily passing in any type of Manifest
pub trait ManifestLoader {
fn load_manifest(self) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Manifest>>;
impl ManifestLoader for &Manifest {
async fn load_manifest(self) -> Result<Manifest> {
impl ManifestLoader for Manifest {
async fn load_manifest(self) -> Result<Manifest> {
impl ManifestLoader for Vec<u8> {
async fn load_manifest(self) -> Result<Manifest> {
impl ManifestLoader for &[u8] {
async fn load_manifest(self) -> Result<Manifest> {
// Helper macro for implementing `ManifestLoader` for anything that implements `AsRef<Path>` (which
// results in a compiler error if we do it generically)
macro_rules! impl_manifest_loader_for_path {
($($ty:ty),*) => {
impl ManifestLoader for $ty {
async fn load_manifest(self) -> Result<Manifest> {
let raw = tokio::fs::read(self).await.map_err(|e| ClientError::ManifestLoad(e.into()))?;
impl_manifest_loader_for_path!(&Path, &str, &String, String, PathBuf, &PathBuf);
/// A simple function that attempts to parse the given bytes as YAML or JSON. This is used in the
/// implementations of `ManifestLoader`
pub fn parse_yaml_or_json(
raw: impl AsRef<[u8]>,
) -> std::result::Result<Manifest, crate::error::SerializationError> {
// Attempt to parse as YAML first, then JSON
.or_else(|_| serde_json::from_slice(raw.as_ref()))