* Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
//! A body-wrapping type that ensures data is being streamed faster than some lower limit.
//! If data is being streamed too slowly, this body type will emit an error next time it's polled.
/// An implementation of v0.4 `http_body::Body` for `MinimumThroughputBody` and related code.
pub mod http_body_0_4_x;
/// Options for a [`MinimumThroughputBody`].
pub mod options;
pub use throughput::Throughput;
mod throughput;
use crate::client::http::body::minimum_throughput::throughput::ThroughputReport;
use aws_smithy_async::rt::sleep::Sleep;
use aws_smithy_async::rt::sleep::{AsyncSleep, SharedAsyncSleep};
use aws_smithy_async::time::{SharedTimeSource, TimeSource};
use aws_smithy_runtime_api::{
http::HttpConnectorFuture, result::ConnectorError, runtime_components::RuntimeComponents,
use aws_smithy_runtime_api::{client::orchestrator::HttpResponse, shared::IntoShared};
use aws_smithy_types::config_bag::{ConfigBag, Storable, StoreReplace};
use options::MinimumThroughputBodyOptions;
use std::{
sync::{Arc, Mutex},
use std::{future::Future, pin::Pin};
use std::{
time::{Duration, SystemTime},
use throughput::ThroughputLogs;
/// Use [`MinimumThroughputDownloadBody`] instead.
#[deprecated(note = "Renamed to MinimumThroughputDownloadBody since it doesn't work for uploads")]
pub type MinimumThroughputBody<B> = MinimumThroughputDownloadBody<B>;
pin_project_lite::pin_project! {
/// A body-wrapping type that ensures data is being streamed faster than some lower limit.
/// If data is being streamed too slowly, this body type will emit an error next time it's polled.
pub struct MinimumThroughputDownloadBody<B> {
async_sleep: SharedAsyncSleep,
time_source: SharedTimeSource,
options: MinimumThroughputBodyOptions,
throughput_logs: ThroughputLogs,
resolution: Duration,
sleep_fut: Option<Sleep>,
grace_period_fut: Option<Sleep>,
inner: B,
impl<B> MinimumThroughputDownloadBody<B> {
/// Create a new minimum throughput body.
pub fn new(
time_source: impl TimeSource + 'static,
async_sleep: impl AsyncSleep + 'static,
body: B,
options: MinimumThroughputBodyOptions,
) -> Self {
let time_source: SharedTimeSource = time_source.into_shared();
let now = time_source.now();
let throughput_logs = ThroughputLogs::new(options.check_window(), now);
let resolution = throughput_logs.resolution();
Self {
async_sleep: async_sleep.into_shared(),
inner: body,
sleep_fut: None,
grace_period_fut: None,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum Error {
ThroughputBelowMinimum {
expected: Throughput,
actual: Throughput,
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::ThroughputBelowMinimum { expected, actual } => {
"minimum throughput was specified at {expected}, but throughput of {actual} was observed",
impl std::error::Error for Error {}
/// Used to store the upload throughput in the interceptor context.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct UploadThroughput {
logs: Arc<Mutex<ThroughputLogs>>,
impl UploadThroughput {
pub(crate) fn new(time_window: Duration, now: SystemTime) -> Self {
Self {
logs: Arc::new(Mutex::new(ThroughputLogs::new(time_window, now))),
pub(crate) fn resolution(&self) -> Duration {
pub(crate) fn push_pending(&self, now: SystemTime) {
pub(crate) fn push_bytes_transferred(&self, now: SystemTime, bytes: u64) {
self.logs.lock().unwrap().push_bytes_transferred(now, bytes);
pub(crate) fn mark_complete(&self) -> bool {
pub(crate) fn report(&self, now: SystemTime) -> ThroughputReport {
impl Storable for UploadThroughput {
type Storer = StoreReplace<Self>;
pin_project_lite::pin_project! {
pub(crate) struct ThroughputReadingBody<B> {
time_source: SharedTimeSource,
throughput: UploadThroughput,
inner: B,
impl<B> ThroughputReadingBody<B> {
pub(crate) fn new(
time_source: SharedTimeSource,
throughput: UploadThroughput,
body: B,
) -> Self {
Self {
inner: body,
const ZERO_THROUGHPUT: Throughput = Throughput::new_bytes_per_second(0);
// Helper trait for interpretting the throughput report.
trait UploadReport {
fn minimum_throughput_violated(self, minimum_throughput: Throughput) -> (bool, Throughput);
impl UploadReport for ThroughputReport {
fn minimum_throughput_violated(self, minimum_throughput: Throughput) -> (bool, Throughput) {
let throughput = match self {
// stream has been exhausted, stop tracking violations
ThroughputReport::Complete => return (false, ZERO_THROUGHPUT),
// If the report is incomplete, then we don't have enough data yet to
// decide if minimum throughput was violated.
ThroughputReport::Incomplete => {
"not enough data to decide if minimum throughput has been violated"
return (false, ZERO_THROUGHPUT);
// If most of the datapoints are Poll::Pending, then the user has stalled.
// In this case, we don't want to say minimum throughput was violated.
ThroughputReport::Pending => {
"the user has stalled; this will not become a minimum throughput violation"
return (false, ZERO_THROUGHPUT);
// If there has been no polling, then the server has stalled. Alternatively,
// if we're transferring data, but it's too slow, then we also want to say
// that the minimum throughput has been violated.
ThroughputReport::NoPolling => ZERO_THROUGHPUT,
ThroughputReport::Transferred(tp) => tp,
if throughput < minimum_throughput {
"current throughput: {throughput} is below minimum: {minimum_throughput}"
(true, throughput)
} else {
(false, throughput)
pin_project_lite::pin_project! {
/// Future that pairs with [`UploadThroughput`] to add a minimum throughput
/// requirement to a request upload stream.
pub(crate) struct UploadThroughputCheckFuture {
response: HttpConnectorFuture,
check_interval: Option<Sleep>,
grace_period: Option<Sleep>,
time_source: SharedTimeSource,
sleep_impl: SharedAsyncSleep,
upload_throughput: UploadThroughput,
resolution: Duration,
options: MinimumThroughputBodyOptions,
failing_throughput: Option<Throughput>,
impl UploadThroughputCheckFuture {
fn new(
response: HttpConnectorFuture,
time_source: SharedTimeSource,
sleep_impl: SharedAsyncSleep,
upload_throughput: UploadThroughput,
options: MinimumThroughputBodyOptions,
) -> Self {
let resolution = upload_throughput.resolution();
Self {
check_interval: Some(sleep_impl.sleep(resolution)),
grace_period: None,
failing_throughput: None,
impl Future for UploadThroughputCheckFuture {
type Output = Result<HttpResponse, ConnectorError>;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let mut this = self.project();
if let Poll::Ready(output) = this.response.poll(cx) {
return Poll::Ready(output);
} else {
let mut below_minimum_throughput = false;
let check_interval_expired = this
.expect("always set")
if check_interval_expired {
// Set up the next check interval
*this.check_interval = Some(this.sleep_impl.sleep(*this.resolution));
// Wake so that the check interval future gets polled
// next time this poll method is called. If it never gets polled,
// then this task won't be woken to check again.
let should_check = check_interval_expired || this.grace_period.is_some();
if should_check {
let now = this.time_source.now();
let report = this.upload_throughput.report(now);
let (violated, current_throughput) =
below_minimum_throughput = violated;
if below_minimum_throughput && !this.failing_throughput.is_some() {
*this.failing_throughput = Some(current_throughput);
} else if !below_minimum_throughput {
*this.failing_throughput = None;
// If we kicked off a grace period and are now satisfied, clear out the grace period
if !below_minimum_throughput && this.grace_period.is_some() {
tracing::debug!("upload minimum throughput recovered during grace period");
*this.grace_period = None;
if below_minimum_throughput {
// Start a grace period if below minimum throughput
if this.grace_period.is_none() {
"upload minimum throughput below configured minimum; starting grace period"
*this.grace_period = Some(this.sleep_impl.sleep(this.options.grace_period()));
// Check the grace period if one is already set and we're not satisfied
if let Some(grace_period) = this.grace_period.as_pin_mut() {
if grace_period.poll(cx).is_ready() {
tracing::debug!("grace period ended; timing out request");
return Poll::Ready(Err(ConnectorError::timeout(
Error::ThroughputBelowMinimum {
expected: this.options.minimum_throughput(),
actual: this
.expect("always set if there's a grace period"),
pin_project_lite::pin_project! {
#[project = EnumProj]
pub(crate) enum MaybeUploadThroughputCheckFuture {
Direct { #[pin] future: HttpConnectorFuture },
Checked { #[pin] future: UploadThroughputCheckFuture },
impl MaybeUploadThroughputCheckFuture {
pub(crate) fn new(
cfg: &mut ConfigBag,
components: &RuntimeComponents,
connector_future: HttpConnectorFuture,
) -> Self {
if let Some(sspcfg) = cfg.load::<StalledStreamProtectionConfig>().cloned() {
if sspcfg.is_enabled() {
let options = MinimumThroughputBodyOptions::from(sspcfg);
return Self::new_inner(
tracing::debug!("no minimum upload throughput checks");
Self::new_inner(connector_future, None, None, None, None)
fn new_inner(
response: HttpConnectorFuture,
time_source: Option<SharedTimeSource>,
sleep_impl: Option<SharedAsyncSleep>,
upload_throughput: Option<UploadThroughput>,
options: Option<MinimumThroughputBodyOptions>,
) -> Self {
match (time_source, sleep_impl, upload_throughput, options) {
(Some(time_source), Some(sleep_impl), Some(upload_throughput), Some(options)) => {
tracing::debug!(options=?options, "applying minimum upload throughput check future");
Self::Checked {
future: UploadThroughputCheckFuture::new(
_ => Self::Direct { future: response },
impl Future for MaybeUploadThroughputCheckFuture {
type Output = Result<HttpResponse, ConnectorError>;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
match self.project() {
EnumProj::Direct { future } => future.poll(cx),
EnumProj::Checked { future } => future.poll(cx),