use crate::error::{X509Error, X509Result};
use crate::prelude::format_serial;
use crate::x509::X509Name;
use asn1_rs::{Any, CheckDerConstraints, Class, Error, FromDer, Oid, Sequence};
use core::convert::TryFrom;
use nom::combinator::all_consuming;
use nom::{Err, IResult};
use std::fmt;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
/// Represents a GeneralName as defined in RFC5280. There
/// is no support X.400 addresses and EDIPartyName.
/// String formats are not validated.
pub enum GeneralName<'a> {
OtherName(Oid<'a>, &'a [u8]),
/// More or less an e-mail, the format is not checked.
RFC822Name(&'a str),
/// A hostname, format is not checked.
DNSName(&'a str),
/// X400Address,
/// RFC5280 defines several string types, we always try to parse as utf-8
/// which is more or less a superset of the string types.
/// EDIPartyName
/// An uniform resource identifier. The format is not checked.
URI(&'a str),
/// An ip address, provided as encoded.
IPAddress(&'a [u8]),
impl<'a> TryFrom<Any<'a>> for GeneralName<'a> {
type Error = Error;
fn try_from(any: Any<'a>) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
fn ia5str(any: Any) -> Result<&str, Err<Error>> {
// Relax constraints from RFC here: we are expecting an IA5String, but many certificates
// are using unicode characters
std::str::from_utf8(|_| Err::Failure(Error::BerValueError))
let name = match any.tag().0 {
0 => {
// otherName SEQUENCE { OID, [0] explicit any defined by oid }
let (rest, oid) = Oid::from_der(;
GeneralName::OtherName(oid, rest)
1 => GeneralName::RFC822Name(ia5str(any)?),
2 => GeneralName::DNSName(ia5str(any)?),
3 => {
// XXX Not yet implemented
4 => {
// directoryName, name
let (_, name) = all_consuming(X509Name::from_der)(
.or(Err(Error::Unsupported)) // XXX remove me
5 => {
// XXX Not yet implemented
6 => GeneralName::URI(ia5str(any)?),
7 => {
// IPAddress, OctetString
8 => {
let oid = Oid::new(;
_ => return Err(Error::unexpected_tag(None, any.tag())),
impl CheckDerConstraints for GeneralName<'_> {
fn check_constraints(any: &Any) -> asn1_rs::Result<()> {
impl<'a> FromDer<'a, X509Error> for GeneralName<'a> {
fn from_der(i: &'a [u8]) -> X509Result<'a, Self> {
impl fmt::Display for GeneralName<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
GeneralName::OtherName(oid, _) => write!(f, "OtherName({}, [...])", oid),
GeneralName::RFC822Name(s) => write!(f, "RFC822Name({})", s),
GeneralName::DNSName(s) => write!(f, "DNSName({})", s),
GeneralName::X400Address(_) => write!(f, "X400Address(<unparsed>)"),
GeneralName::DirectoryName(dn) => write!(f, "DirectoryName({})", dn),
GeneralName::EDIPartyName(_) => write!(f, "EDIPartyName(<unparsed>)"),
GeneralName::URI(s) => write!(f, "URI({})", s),
GeneralName::IPAddress(b) => write!(f, "IPAddress({})", format_serial(b)),
GeneralName::RegisteredID(oid) => write!(f, "RegisteredID({})", oid),
pub(crate) fn parse_generalname(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], GeneralName, Error> {
let (rest, any) = Any::from_der(i)?;
let gn = GeneralName::try_from(any)?;
Ok((rest, gn))